CHALLENGES AHEAD DECC RD&D Priorities Dr Brendan Roth 5 th July 2016
DECC Objectives 2 Ensure the UK has a secure and resilient energy system Keep energy bills as low as possible Secure ambitious action on climate change while reducing carbon emissions cost-effectively at home Manage the UK’s energy legacy safely and responsibly Sources:;;
GHGs % 2050 Domestic Targets 3 Climate Change Act 2008
International Agreements 4 Source:
Carbon Budgets 5
Energy Innovation Spending review 2015 Doubled DECC innovation budget £505 million over 5 years £250m on nuclear research Mission Innovation 20 countries Doubling clean energy R&D over 5 years 6
Climate Research 7 MOHC Climate Programme £16m/year Co-funded w/ Defra
Key RD&D Priorities Themes Heat Energy efficiency Smart Renewables & storage Industrial energy Nuclear Climate change Needs In-depth understanding Innovative ways of operating Cost reduction Forecasting 8 While our RD&D priorities are shaped by policy needs, we recognise that long-term research in other areas is also crucial.
Heat 45% of all energy use ~1/3 of GHG emissions Cost-effective, low-carbon vectors are needed 9 Breakdown of final energy consumption in the UK Source: Energy Consumption in the UK, 2014
Energy Efficiency Barriers Expensive, disruptive, specialist skills & knowledge required. 10 We need Tools & approaches to overcome these barriers Innovation materials Better energy performance in products Source: NEED 2016
Smart Policy Smart meters in most homes by 2020 Capabilities to handle and utilise large datasets needed 11 Source: Innovative ideas & technologies At all scales To create effective, resilient and balanced energy systems Securely
Renewables Grid-scale storage Balance intermittency Integrated smart technology Cost-reduction For all renewable technologies Need to be cost-competitive Offshore wind Strong global position 12 Source: DUKES 2015
Nuclear New nuclear Small modular reactors Gen IV Fast reactors Life-cycle innovations Fabrication, generation, construction Decommissioning, waste management, disposal, legacy 13 Part of our energy pathway to decarbonisation
Industrial Energy CCS & CCU Cost & operability improvements needed Energy efficiency New vectors & fuels Heat recovery 14 Source:
Climate Change 15 Long-term datasets Understand- ing impacts Modelling earth systems Building resilience Sources:;;
Questions? 16