How to Address Driving Safety Elizabeth P. Howard, Associate Professor, Northeastern University, Massachusetts Diana Delgado, Chief Operating Officer, Eaton Senior Communities, Inc., Colorado Ellen O’Connor, Director of Community Services, Fairport Baptist Homes, New York
Eaton Senior Communities Mission: To provide affordable housing in a service-rich environment that enables all to live to their fullest potential 161 HUD subsidized units 66 assisted living units
COLLAGE © Strategic Initiative: To achieve demonstrated change to a culture and philosophy of wellness for the organization and those we serve
ESC Residents: Snapshot 148 COLLAGE assessments, including reassessments (1/1/13-8/31/14) – of those, 28 were still driving (18.9%) 6 of 148 residents triggered for at-risk driving during that time period, all women (4%) 22 of 148 residents triggered 2 or less indicators (14.8%)
Addressing At-Risk Drivers The Denver Post: “Colorado survey finds aging drivers support mandatory retesting to a licensed vision specialist.” AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety statistics
Addressing At-Risk Drivers More frequent renewal for seniors (over the age of 61 = every 5 years) Eye test = If does not pass 20/40 test, will be given a Confidential Medical/Eye Examination form and referred to a licensed vision specialist
Addressing At-Risk Drivers Department of Motor Vehicles: –Only family members can request a cancellation of driving privileges due to a medical issue or their doctor can submit a request in writing –Once request is received, driver is notified that they must provide DMV with an approved medical exam report or their license will be cancelled COLORADO
Addressing At-Risk Drivers Colorado Department of Motor Vehicles Re-Examination Triggers Driving record with 2 or more accidents in 3 years Involvement in fatal accident Law enforcement agency- reported incident Medical report from a specialist Written request by a family member
Addressing At-Risk Drivers HUD Service Coordinator Home Visit “Are You Still Good to Drive” handout (, AARP Driver Safety and other publications)
Resources for At-Risk Drivers Legacy Healthcare Services: –On-site PT/OT provider –Evaluation to assist in determining driver safety –Allen Cognitive Test
Resources for At-Risk Drivers National Distracted Driving Awareness Month (April) National Safety Month (June): Week 4 = Put an end to Distracted Driving AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety Intellectual Wellness Physical Wellness Emotional Wellness
Resources for At-Risk Drivers: Empowering Residents to Take Charge of Their Driving Independence ●“Driver 65 Plus: Check Your Performance” ●“Drive Well Toolkit: Promoting Older Driver Safety and Mobility in Your Community” ●“Conversations about Driving” ●Driving Planning Agreement ●“Age Page: Older Drivers”
Resources for At-Risk Drivers Family Education Night –Conversations about driving –Dealing with negative reactions –“How to Help an Older Driver (AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety)
Case Study: Why I Stopped Driving Resident Mrs. G Moved into community March 2010 Gave up driving May 2011 Describes many losses associated with not driving