NRMCA PTO Fuel Use Test Procedure Guide
Before You Begin: Fill in Boxes of NRMCA’s PTO Data Sheet Be sure to include a detailed description of the truck and engine being used to perform the test, the area terrain, and your mixer fleet.
One PTO test consists of four trip segments: Trip #1: Loaded, PTO Engaged Trip #2: Empty, PTO Engaged Trip #3: Loaded, PTO Disconnected Trip #4: Empty, PTO Disconnected
Trip #1 Loaded, PTO Engaged
Top Off the Truck’s Fuel Tank Be certain to fill the fuel tank to the very top of the filler neck. The tank should be so full that any additional fuel would cause spillover.
Record Odometer Reading and Time Immediately after topping off the truck’s fuel tank, record the odometer reading in Box 12 and the time in Box 13. Set your drum revolution counter to zero.
Fill the Mixer Drum with a Load of Fresh Concrete A full load is recommended. Please record the size of the load, in cubic yards, in Box 14. After loading, complete your normal wash-off procedure before leaving the plant.
Important Note for Trucks Required to Use Fold-Down Axles If you are required to use a fold-down axle when hauling a full load, DO NOT haul a full load in Trip #1. Rather, fill the drum with as much weight as possible without having to use the fold-down axle. Use the same amount of weight in Trip #3.
Drive to the Job Site Please memorize the route you use to get to the job site, because you will use it three additional times during the course of the PTO test.
At the Job Site… Record the time you arrive at the job site in Box 15. Dispense your load and wash down your drum.
After Unloading and Wash-Out… Record the time you leave the job site in Box 16.
Return to the Plant Return to the plant, using the exact same route by which you came. Upon arriving at the plant, park at the diesel fuel tank.
Record Odometer Reading, Time and Drum Revolution Counter After parking by the diesel fuel tank, record the time in Box 17, the odometer reading in Box 18, and the drum revolution counter reading in Box 19. Reset the drum revolution counter for Trip #2.
Top Off the Truck’s Fuel Tank Be certain to fill the fuel tank to the very top of the filler neck. The tank should be so full that any additional fuel would cause spillover.
Read the Fuel Meter Record the total Trip #1 fuel usage in Box 20.
Trip #2 Empty, PTO Engaged
Record Odometer Reading and Time Immediately after topping off the fuel tank, record the odometer reading in Box 21 and the time in Box 22. If possible, do not wash out the drum between Trip #1 and Trip #2.
Drive to the Job Site Use the exact same route you used in Trip #1. Keep the mixer drum turning at the same number of RPMs as you did during Trip #1.
Return to the Plant Return to the plant, using the exact same route by which you came. Keep the drum turning at the same number of RPMs as you did during Trip #1.
Unloading Time Simulation Upon your return to the plant, record the time in Box 23. You must then idle the truck for a specified period of time to simulate the unloading time you incurred on Trip #1. The appropriate amount of time can be calculated by subtracting the time in Box 15 from Box 16.
Wash Out the Mixer Drum Thoroughly wash out the mixer drum in preparation for Trip #3.
Record Odometer Reading, Time and Drum Revolution Counter After the unloading time simulation, record the time in Box 24, the odometer reading in Box 26 and the drum revolution counter reading in Box 27. Since you are simulating the unloading time at the plant instead of the job site, the time in Box 25 (Time Run Complete) will be the same as Box 24.
Top Off the Truck’s Fuel Tank Be certain to fill the fuel tank to the very top of the filler neck. The tank should be so full that any additional fuel would cause spillover.
Read the Fuel Meter Record the total Trip #2 fuel usage in Box 28.
Trip #3 Loaded, PTO Disconnected
Fill the Mixer Drum with a Load of Aggregate The weight of the aggregate in the drum must be equivalent to the weight of the original load in Trip #1.
Disconnect the PTO Shaft from the Driveshaft
Top Off the Truck’s Fuel Tank Be certain to fill the fuel tank to the very top of the filler neck. The tank should be so full that any additional fuel would cause spillover.
Record Odometer Reading and Time Immediately after topping off the fuel tank, record the odometer reading in Box 29 and the time in Box 30.
Drive to the Job Site Use the exact same route you used in your previous trips.
Return to the Plant Return to the plant, using the exact same route by which you came.
Unloading Time Simulation Upon your return to the plant, record the time in Box 31. You must then simulate Trip #1 unloading time in the same manner as you did in Trip #2. The appropriate amount of time can be calculated by subtracting the time in Box 15 from Box 16.
Record Odometer Reading and Time After the unloading simulation, record the time in Box 32 and the odometer reading in Box 34. Since you are simulating the unloading time at the plant instead of the job site, the time in Box 33 (Time Run Complete) will be the same as Box 32.
Top Off the Truck’s Fuel Tank Be certain to fill the fuel tank to the very top of the filler neck. The tank should be so full that any additional fuel would cause spillover.
Read the Fuel Meter Record the total Trip #3 fuel usage in Box 35.
Reconnect the PTO Shaft
Discharge the Aggregate from the Mixer Drum
Trip #4 Empty, PTO Disconnected
Disconnect the PTO Shaft from the Driveshaft
Top Off the Truck’s Fuel Tank Be certain to fill the fuel tank to the very top of the filler neck. The tank should be so full that any additional fuel would cause spillover.
Record Odometer Reading and Time Immediately after topping off the fuel tank, record the odometer reading in Box 36 and the time in Box 37.
Drive to the Job Site Use the exact same route you used in all previous trips.
Return to the Plant Return to the plant, using the exact same route by which you came.
Unloading Time Simulation Upon your return to the plant, record the time in Box 38. You must then simulate Trip #1 unloading time as you did in Trips #2 and #3. The appropriate amount of time can be calculated by subtracting the time in Box 15 from Box 16.
Record Odometer Reading and Time After the unloading simulation, record the time in Box 39 and the odometer reading in Box 41. Since you are simulating the unloading time at the plant instead of the job site, the time in Box 40 (Time Run Complete) will be the same as Box 39.
Top Off the Truck’s Fuel Tank Be certain to fill the fuel tank to the very top of the filler neck. The tank should be so full that any additional fuel would cause spillover.
Read the Fuel Meter Record the total Trip #4 fuel usage in Box 42.
Reconnect the PTO Shaft After completing the PTO test, prepare the truck for its return to service by reconnecting the PTO shaft to the driveshaft.
Submit the Completed Data Sheet to NRMCA Have your supervisor review and sign off on the completed data sheet. You can then fax the completed sheet to NRMCA’s Government Affairs Department at (301) or input the data into the data sheet excel file and send via electronic mail.
Thank You For Helping Your Industry Achieve Fuel Tax Fairness!