Comfort Zone Challenges
Why did Chunsam just do that? 7U 7U Have you ever wanted to do something but felt too nervous or scared to do it? Describe an example to your friend. Have you ever done something scary or frightening and then realized it wasn’t as bad as you thought it was? Describe an example to your friend.
Describe Till’s high school life and personality. (1:00- 2:40) What kind of negative behaviors did Till do in high school? (2:40-3:40) In which situations do you look for approval from other people? How did Till start learning about psychology? (3:40-4:20) What are comfort zone challenges? How can they help you overcome fear? (4:20-5:20)
What is exposure therapy? (5:20-6:45) Describe Till’s “ah ha moment.” ( 깨닫음 )(7:30- 8:30) Describe what happened during Till’s first comfort zone challenge. (8:30-9:25) Write down a list of your own fears and talk about them with your friend. How did Till’s comfort zone crusher idea spread? (9:25-10:30) What did Till learn from his comfort zone challenges? (10:30-11:30) How did comfort zone challenges make Till happier? (11:45-12:55)
Now it is your turn! Do your own comfort zone challenge. You must get the plan approved by Chunsam. It should not be related to school work! Ideas- talk to a pretty girl or attractive boy you don’t know, sing outside in public, run or walk to a place you usually go to by bus or subway. Take pictures or videos for evidence! – You must do: 1) A presentation with pictures or videos 2) Writing with pictures
Writing Grading Capitalization ____/10 Structure/Format ______/10 12 point, Times New Roman, double-spaced, name/class in the top right corner, indented paragraphs, wide margins, words And/Because sentences ______/10 Sentences should not be started with And/Because as discussed in class. Spelling/Usage/Grammar ______/20 Number of spelling, grammar mistakes and wrong word usages.