Developing a National Lifelong Guidance Network Implementation of Measure of the Social Renewal OP Public Employment Service Budapest, 3rd February 2009 Presented by Monika KUNOS
Agenda Policy background of the project The main activities realised till today Challenges and possible solutions
The New Hungary Development Plan The backbone of all developments between Social Renewal Operative Programme Priority 2: adaptability Measure 2.2.2: Development of the Hungarian LLG system
The National LLG Council Member of ELGPN Established in January 2008 Financed jointly by the Ministry of Educatipn and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour 13 members of various fields ( education, labour, employers, employees) Coordinating body between the policies Provides professional background for our project
Aims of the National LLG Council In accordance with the ILO and OECD suggestions the Council seeks to: Implement a lifelong guidance system based on the personal portfolio Link the different subsystems to offer integrated services Link the different actors to increase coordination
Effects of EU Accession 1. Regionalisation of public service
Effects of EU Accession 2. Regionalisation of PES Hajdú-Bihar, Jász-Nagykun- Szolnok, Szabolcs-Szatmár- Bereg, Bács-Kiskun, Békés, Csongrád Baranya, Somogy, Tolna Fejér, Komárom- Esztergom, Veszprém Győr-Moson- Sopron, Vas, Zala Észak-Magyarországi Regionális Munkaügyi Központ -Miskolc Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Heves, Nógrád Észak-Alföldi Regionális Munkaügyi Központ - Nyíregyháza Főváros, Pest Közép-Magyarországi Regionális Munkaügyi Központ - Budapest Dél-Alföldi Regionális Munkaügyi Központ - Békéscsaba Közép-Dunántúli Regionális Munkaügyi Központ - Székesfehérvár Nyugat-Dunántúli Regionális Munkaügyi Központ - Szombathely Dél – Dunántúli Regionális Munkaügyi Központ - Pécs
Agenda Policy background of the project The main activities realised till today Challenges and possible solutions
Our Project: Measure of Social Renewal OP Title: Content and Methodology Development of the Career Guidance Systems Basic information: First action plan: 22 September 2008 – 21 September 2010 Date of contract: 15 October 2008 Budget: 2.08 Billion HUF (approx. 7.3 Million EUR) Scope: national
The Currently Available Guidance Services in Hungary No organisation is capable of providing complex guidance services Little coordination Little knowledge about the available services Difficulty of getting personalised guidance Need for coordinated LLG services on a national level
Stakeholders of the measure Society Policy makers Service users Society Service providers External Stakeholders PES employees PES management Internal Stakeholders
Targetted Segments Primary target: Professionals already working on the field of career guidance and coucelling Secondary target: People who use the services currently and during implementation
Main Fields of Activities Education: -6 days training for 2000 guidance professionals - MA (post gradual) degree for 83 experts Development of national LLG counsellor network: A network of 50 counsellors IT development: Creation of a two- entry portal (youngsters and adults) with a guidance expert part 10 curricula Methodological development Project management Internal and external communication Studies, questionnaires 20 people intra- policy coordinator network Films, files on jobs
Activity 1: Education 2x3 days training programme for 2,000 professionals already in the field (teachers, social workers etc) Programme is free of charge with all cost covered Several training locations nationally Financing of post gradual degree (master) in the field of guidance for 83 professionals in 2 universities
The topics for the 2,000 professional’s training: 1. The importance of career knowledge 2. The role of self-knowledge in building one’s career 3. EU competencies 4. The importance and usage of Europass - studying and working in the EU 5. Methods of informal job search, from job to job 6. Use of new possibilities (internet, television) 7. Special situations (roma, handicapped people, etc) 8. What is work, what are the atipical working types 9. What does LLG mean and how does it work 10. What organisations can help you – service providers within the field of career guidance and orientation Activity 1: Education
Activity 2: Development of counsellor network Creation of a network of 50 professionals who provide career guidance and couselling services nationally Works closely with other entities of the PES and external service providers Provide basis for a reinforced cousellor network on the long term
Activity 2: Development of counsellor network
Activity 2: Methodological development Establishment of a network of 20 coordinators between the project and other interested parties (employment offices, schools, higher education institutions, social institutions, NGOs) Creation and publishing of surveys and studies that may help the counsellor’s work Creation of films and folders on the jobs (about 150 pcs)
Main Fields of Activities Education: -6 days training for 2000 guidance experts - MA (post gradual) degree for 83 experts Development of national LLG counsellor network: A network of 50 counsellors IT development: Creation of a two- entry portal (youngsters and adults) with a guidance expert part 10 curricula Methodological development Project management Internal and external communication Studies, questionnaires 20 people intra- policy coordinator network Films and folders on jobs (online and offline)
Agenda Policy background of the project The main activities realised till today Challenges and possible solutions
Challenge No.1: Lengthy planning period Easing: Plannig was done with complete transparency inside and outside the organisation. Problem: The planning and tendering of the project took more than one year.
Challenge No.2: Financial difficulties at the beginning Easing: Involvement of external financing, re-scheduling of activities, balancing indicators and possibilities, prioritising. Problem: The advance for the project arrived in mid- December.
Challenge No.3: Unclear regulations Easing: Involving external staff at peak seasons, asking regular checks from the contributing organisation to avoid mistakes and misunderstandings. Problem: Constantly increasing and changing administrative tasks.
Summary: Where Are We Now? Project staff: Management: 6 persons Counsellors: 11 persons 2 public procurements published, 2 is under quality assurance Introductory staff training conducted 83 professionals have been selected and started master’s education IT development conception determined 5 studies prepared Office and IT equipment bought for staff
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