Workshop Structure-Detector Agenda structure similar to last two meetings –Two subsystem parallel sessions today and tomorrow –ETD, DGWG, Simulation Parallel Sessions –Joint MDI session with machine/detector –Joint session with Backgrounds and simulation –Joint session with computing and physics Techboard last session Thursday. Emphasis on completion of White Paper. Friday morning planning session for the TDR Detector System and working group summaries on Friday afternoon.
Documents Detector Progress Report (White Paper) –Scope ~80 Pages Introduction/Overview/System chapters Revised Budget –Timing: Completion ~ weeks (not months) –Most of the Draft available including budget. Will be discussed in a few minutes. –Outstanding issues will be discussed at the Techboard on Thurs. The TDR –Spring –Full detail needed (Technical, Budget, & Schedule) –Will be subjected to complete scientific and technical review –Planning session on Friday morning with system inputs
Workshop goals System level reports and planning Understand accelerator developments and impacts on the detector White Paper Completion Complete the missing pieces of draft text Review Budget/Schedule Schedule for editing and review Develop planning milestones for remainder of TDR phase for overall detector geometry (defining system envelopes) general systems architecture, specific systems including geometry, technology, manpower, and R&D. DGWG/global geometry progress. Outstanding issues. Understand the documents needed for the TDR phase and their timing Develop milestones for TDR chapter planning Continue to develop specific plans, costs, and manpower needs for all systems and specify in WBS planning structure to deeper level. Consider how to find/involve more institutions and people.
Techboard Thursday | Thursday 18 March :00 Budget walkthrough (45') 16:45 White paper end game and system issues (45') 17:30 DGWG Report (15') 17:45 Subsystem reports (1h15')
TDR Planning Session Friday What are the main technical questions that still need to be resolved for each system? What is the essential R&D that is required to write the TDR? When will it be completed? What level of engineering,simulation, & design work is needed ? What is the relationship between needs and the available resources?.