Profile Tell us about your family Include Names Ages Occupations Children Marital Status Education Level Residence Any other important info
Profile (delete if needed)
Understanding the Paycheck Gross Income for each person Net income for each person Medical (if employer provides) Total Amount of Deductions for each person
Understanding the Paycheck
Saving and Investing How much if any you were able to save each month What you plan to do with your savings.
Housing Image of where you live (See file/folder I gave you) Rent or Own? Size in sq. feet Number of Bedrooms Number of Bathroom Brief description including location
Housing Cost of rent/payment Total cost paid (buying only) Down payment (buying) or deposit(renting) Cost of utilities (buying & renting) Covered utilities (renting only) Insurance amount (buying only) Taxes you pay (buying only) Repairs & Maintenance Pets or not? (renting only) Other (furniture, supplies etc.)
Transportation Picture of all cars you bought New or Used Make and Model If used what year?
Transportation Cost of payments (if buying) Insurance costs Fuel Costs Repairs & Maintenance cost Down payment (if buying) Interest costs Describe services if you chose those instead
Food Which plan was chosen for food at home Which plan for food away from home Cost of feeding children? Include images of the foods included in your plan
Insurance Health Cost of coverage What is covered? (dental, vision etc.) Who is covered? Life Cost of coverage Amount of coverage Who is covered Disability Cost of coverage Who is covered
Cost of Raising Children (delete if needed) Break the costs down into categories and by child name Example: Bubba Clothing $15.99 Child Care $ Etc.
Credit Card Statements Total Amount Owed Minimum monthly payment
Average Expenditures List these out along with description and amounts Example: Personal Care $15.99 Education $240 Etc.
Average Expenditures Continued if needed
Chance Card Write description and amount of your card
Reflection Impressions of your lifestyle Problems you faced Positive aspects of your budgets
Reflection Concerns about your budget Things you could do to make your budget more manageable Changes you would make Other thoughts
Reflection What are two things you learned as a result of completing this simulation which you will use in your daily life in the next 5 years?
Budget Graph (cut & paste here)
Budget Reflection What parts of your budget were within the budget range? What parts of your budget did you overspend?