California Health and Human Services Agency - Office of Systems Integration (OSI) PMO Forum November 19,
2 Agenda Project Background Project Approach Benefits Project Life Cycle Framework Navigational Overview Q & A
3 Project Background OSI manages a portfolio of large scale IT projects Best Practices Website (BPWeb) in existence since 2000 OSI PMO serves as the central repository for OSI Best Practices standards, processes, policies, procedures, tools, and templates New BPWeb rolled out in Sept. 2008
4 Project Approach Our objective to enhance the BPWeb was achieved by using the following approach: Enlisted the support our subject matter experts in the areas of Project Management, Project Funding, Acquisition, System Development and Enterprise Architecture Conducted JAD Sessions with OSI Project staff to identify and verify lifecycle processes Reviewed prior version of the BPWeb and addressed process gaps. Provided improved navigation and an intuitive design Updated website content for consistency
5 Benefits Decrease time to perform repeatable project processes Increase efficiency in managing projects Standardize Best Practices processes and project documentation Enhance collaboration between project teams Reduce costs and time to bring new project staff up to speed Decrease project risk Increase utilization of the Best Practices Website
9 Key tasks for the phase, these are the tasks that must be completed in this phase. Procedures are the policy procedures that must be followed.. Documents are the deliverable documents to be used during the phase. Roles definitions are outlined on each page. Next Steps allows you to navigate to the next PM phase. Initiating narrative Navigation - to other Phases
10 Key tasks for the phase, are the tasks that must be completed in this phase. Documents are the deliverable documents for the phase or tools to be used during the phase. Links provide examples or reference material for the completion of the Project Funding Approval. Next Steps allows you to navigate to the next life cycle phase. Roles definitions are outlined on each page. State Funding narrative Navigation – State/Federal Funding
11 Key tasks for the phase, are the tasks that must be completed in this phase. Documents are the deliverable documents to be used during this phase. Links provide examples or reference material for the completion of the Acquisition Planning phase. Next Steps allows you to navigate to the next Acquisition phase. Roles definitions are outlined on each page. Acquisition Planning narrative Navigation - to other Acquisition Phase
12 Key tasks for the phase, are the tasks that must be completed in this phase before preceding to the Design phase. Documents are the deliverable documents for the phase or tools to be used during the phase. Links provide examples or reference material for the completion of the Requirements Analysis phase. Next Steps allows you to navigate to the next SDLC phase. Roles definitions are outlined on each page. Requirements Analysis narrative Navigation – to other SDLC Phases
13 Upcoming Changes Web Based Training Modules PM/SDLC Templates Supplemental Guides Acquisition Templates
California Health and Human Services Agency - Office of Systems Integration (OSI)