1 AGRICULTURAL POLLUTION REDUCTION ACTIVITY Financed by USAID APRA ROMANIA PROJECT Project implemented by: Assistance project for MAFWE International Resources.


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Presentation transcript:

1 AGRICULTURAL POLLUTION REDUCTION ACTIVITY Financed by USAID APRA ROMANIA PROJECT Project implemented by: Assistance project for MAFWE International Resources Group Glen D. Anderson Project Manager

2 Objectives of APRA Provide technical assistance to MAPAM in support of Romania’s implementation of the EU Nitrates Directive Assist Calarasi County in identifying and prioritizing actions to reduce nitrates pollution, mainly from agricultural sources, in designated nitrate vulnerable zones (NVZ)

3 Project Implementation Approach At the county level, demonstrate methodology for assessing nitrate pollution problems and preparing a nitrates local action programme Extend lessons learned at the county level to other Romanian NVZs through development of guidance and training

4 Summary of Implementation Costs for the EU Nitrates Directive For Scenario where numerous discrete NVZ are designated in Romania and modern technologies are applied Implementation costs include: Investment costs of 166,669,900 Є Annual operating costs of 15,331,600 Є Management costs of 14,100,000 Є Training costs of 830,000 Є

5 Why Calarasi County Was Selected Location of the World Bank’s Agricultural Pollution Control Project – in seven communes in Calarasi County Local Action Plan required under EU Nitrates Directive – two NVZs designated in Calarasi County Nutrient loadings to Danube – a key challenge for addressing water quality in the Black Sea

6 Major Components of the APRA Project Characterization of soil and water quality; nitrate sources and impacts in Calarasi County; establish norms and methodologies in conducting Water and Soil Quality field testing; and set up a monitoring plan – focused on NVZ Review of the Romanian Code of Good Agricultural Practices (CGAP) and provide recommendations Design of a CGAP for small farms and set up a Training Programme of Assistance for small farmers Development of the Action Programme for Calarasi County, in view of the EU Directive on Nitrates Roll-Out and dissemination of project results to the national level, addressing NVZ aspects, especially along River Basins

7 Relationship of APRA to the World Bank Project Both projects have overall goal of reducing pollution from nitrates World Bank involves investments and technologies and demonstration practices; APRA focuses on preparation of technical and methodological guidance; WB developed baseline data for its project area; APRA extended data collection to entire county, and will elaborate methodology to guide future data collection efforts in Romania The WB project will provide recommendations for community-based animal waste management technologies and practices, while APRA will propose agricultural and non-agricultural actions to reduce nitrates in the two NVZs in Calarasi


9 Characterization Report The project team has compiled an inventory of nitrate pollution sources, conducted preliminary soil and water quality testing, and assembled additional environmental and socio-economic information for Calarasi County This data collection and analysis work served two purposes: Establish a Data Collection and Interpretation Model to be used in designating NVZ and developing nitrate reduction action programmes Provide inputs for the Calarasi County Characterization Report The Characterization Report has been completed – a synthesis of the contents of this report will be incorporated into the description of the problem in the Calarasi Action Programme

10 Vulnerable Zones for Nitrate Pollution from Agricultural Sources in Romania BLUE - Potentially vulnerable zones due to runoff into surface water PINK - Potentially vulnerable zones (medium risk) due to percolation into aquifers RED - Vulnerable zones (high risk) due to percolation into aquifers

11 Nitrate Vulnerable Zones in Calarasi County Impacted zoneAreaVulnerability LocalityKm 2 category Frumusani64.54B (pink) Sohatu70.35B (pink)

12 Blue Contour – World Bank Project pilot communes Pink Contour – VZ Frumusani; Green Contour – VZ Sohatu


14 Code of Good Agricultural Practices (CGAP) Provides recommendations of agricultural practices and technologies to manage soil and water resources and reduce pollution due to nutrients and pesticides Romanian “Code” responds to requirement in EU Nitrates Directive and has been published with financial assistance from the World Bank APRA team was requested to comment on the Romanian CGAP and to provide assistance in developing CGAP for small farms Proposals will be submitted, in view of revising the CGAP, with a focus on small farms as well, and will be presented to the Ministry in early October

15 Why a CGAP for small farmers Large number of small farms in Romania Most small farms undercapitalized Many of the recommended practices in current CGAP are focused on large farms that can exploit economies of scale Many of the nitrate-related illnesses are observed on small farms with inadequate separation of water supplies from household sanitation facilities and livestock operations

16 Elaboration of a Local Action Programme – for NVZs Required for all the NVZs Local Action Programmes will be approved by a local commission with implementation responsibilities shared by river basin authorities and county-level administration Local Action Programmes: Should be established for a period of up to 4 years Require mandatory adoption of CGAP measures related to animal wastes and fertilizer application rates and timing

17 Local Action Programme for Calarasi County APRA is assisting in the development of a Local Action Programme for Calarasi county: To address nitrate problems in the NVZs of the County Serve as a model for other Romanian counties, where NVZs have been designated Action Programme structure and outline have been prepared An interactive workshop will be organized in October to develop recommended actions

18 Training Program Help establish a Training Center in Calarasi Develop a Training Program and conduct Training of Local Trainers to ensure continuous assistance and guidance in applying the CGAP and implementing the Local Action Programme

19 Roll-out and Dissemination of Project Results in NVZs Roll-out Guide - a report summarizing the various components of the project tasks, the lessons learned in conducting these tasks, and recommendations for replicating or extending the analyses at the national level, and at the river basin or regional levels Final Workshop - to disseminate the project results and recommend country-wide options for protection of waters against nitrate and phosphate pollution from agricultural sources, focusing on NVZs

20 Some Preliminary Findings There are a substantial number of data gaps that limit the use of analytical models to predict changes in water quality as a result of mitigation efforts: Soil surveys have not been conducted since 1980s Inadequate ground and surface water quality data in areas of NVZs Romanian agricultural activity at significantly lower levels than in past: Livestock operations curtailed Former State Farms divided into smaller economic units Irrigation systems have not been maintained and would be too expensive for many farmers Action Programmes will need to account for likely renewed agricultural activity in the future