Jane Peirce MassDEP
Delisting of impairments Restoration of beneficial uses TMDL implementation Protection of unimpaired and high quality waters Other NPS Program priorities
Half of each state’s allotment is passed through for implementation projects A portion of the remaining half may be passed through for any work that is consistent with the state’s NPS plan
EPA continues to require that watershed projects funded with § 319 watershed project funds directly implement a WBP addressing the nine elements.
§ 319 funds may be used to fund any urban stormwater activities that do not directly implement a final municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) NPDES permit
s.319 guidelines encourage projects previously funded under s.314 Clean Lakes program However, “Section 319 funds should not be used for in-lake work such as aquatic macrophyte harvesting or dredging, unless the sources of pollution have been addressed sufficiently to assure that the pollution being remediated will not recur.”
Category 5 – waters requiring a TMDL Category 4a – TMDL is complete Category 4c – impairment not caused by a pollutant, TMDL is not required
Learning Russian (or trying to) showed me that in my everyday life, perhaps like many adults, I use my brain mainly for scheming. Ian Frasier, Travels in Siberia
Read the NPS program plan and other program materials Talk to the program people Ask many questions
Every interaction tells us something about you Communication with program people Response to RFR
If you can’t follow the application instructions, can you complete a project? Answer all questions Provide all forms and attachments Follow instructions for printing, assembly, submittal Make it easy for the reviewers
Tighter economy Problems are increasing in number and severity More competition The path to s.319 funds for lakes projects can be overgrown with shrubbery
s. 314 is specific about watershed-based work In-lake work is the last part of a long-term strategy Sometimes the problem isn’t the watershed Proposal documentation is key
See slide #2 Answer the “So what?” question Does your strategy address the problem? Measurable results
A nine element plan that parallels a TMDL implementation plan Every state has a different approach
Jane Peirce, Mass DEP Google “MassDEP 319 grants program”