Fold Terminology Limb – the sides of the fold Axial plane (hinge plane) – imaginary plane that divides the fold into two equal parts, marks location of maximum curvature Fold axis (hinge line) – the line formed by the intersection of the hinge plane and a bedding plane
Syncline A fold with the youngest beds in the middle Generally trough shaped, with limbs dipping toward the center
Anticline A fold with the oldest beds in the middle Generally arched shaped, with limbs dipping away the center
Monocline Folds with only one limb Often Associated with faults
Fold Definition Folds are wave-like structures that result from deformation of bedding, foliation, or other originally planar surfaces in rocks. Fold can be very broad to tightly compressed. They may occur as isolated folds or extensive fold trains of different sizes.
Scale of Folds Microscopic – Need magnification Mesoscopic – Occur from hand specimens to outcrop scales Macroscopic – Occur on the map scale or larger
Anatomy of Folds Hinge Line – The line joining points of greatest curvature on a folded surface Axial Surface – When many hinge lines (from multiple folded surfaces) connect forming a plane Plunge – When the fold hinge is inclined to the horizontal
Anatomy of Folds Wavelength – The distance between subsequent crests or troughs Amplitude – Half the distance from a crest to the subsequent trough Vergence – The direction of leaning of the axial surface
Anatomy of Folds First-Order Folds – The master (largest) fold Second-Order Folds – Smaller folds on the flanks of first-order folds Enveloping Surface – Enables the relation of small to large scale folds
Kinds of Folds Anticline – A folds that is concave towards older rocks in its center Antiform – A fold that is concave downward Syncline – A folds that is concave towards younger rocks in its center Synform – A folds that is concave upward Dome – An antiform where bedding dips away from the central point Basin – A synform where bedding dips towards a central point
Kinds of Folds
Kinds of Folds Cylindrical Folds – Folds where a cylinder can be inscribed inside the hinge Noncylindrical Folds – Folds where the hinge is not parallel Sheath Folds – Where the fold hinge curves within the axial surface; Normally occur in shear zones
Fold Classification Parallel Folds – Maintain constant layer thickness Concentric Folds – Parallel folds in which the folded surfaces define circular arcs Ptygmatic Folds – Have a lobate shape and look like intestines Similar Folds – Maintain their shape throughout the section and do not die out vertically
Fold Classification Chevron and Kink Folds – Have straight limbs and sharp angular hinges Disharmonic Folds – Shape or wavelength changes from one layer to another Supratenuous Folds – The synclines are thickened and the anticlines are thinned
Fold Classification
Examples of some Folds from Tennessee and North Carolina