Short trip.. Only 2 weeks. Fits in well with work. Always wanted to visit Scotland and this was the best way to see the true side of things, an not just a tourists view. Wanted to see if somewhere close differs in its farming methods. Wanted to see how other yfc clubs work. Good way to meet new people The highland show!!
We spent 2 nights in the hostel in Edinburgh in which time we went to the Scottish houses of parliament, open top bus round Edinburgh, farm shop visit. And the international trust dinner. Both nights resulted in a night out in Edinburgh afterwards...
Being as un-organized as I am I left sorting transport out till the Last minute. So i took the decision to drive. 4 hours later i arrived at the royal highland showground where i left my car for the duration of my trip. I soon met the other 12 exchanges from different countries where we all had a meal and settled into our hostel in Edinburgh...
After the two nights in Edinburgh we met our host families. I stayed with 2 families throughout my trip. Firstly being the ‘Wallace’ family. A mixed farm with beef. Diary and arable. Secondly the ‘Smillie’ family who had a poultry farm, both farms were in Ayrshire with there local club being Mauchline. Didn't take long to realise how similar all young farmers clubs are. Everyone was very welcoming and showed a lot of interest in what I did, and how our young farmers clubs worked back home.
Scotland was an amazing 2 weeks. Met some amazing people. People who I'm still keeping in contact with. Any body thinking on travelling should defiantly keep Scotland in mind. Everyone made me welcome and was treated like a V.I.P. I would like to say a big thank you to the Scottish federation, NFYFC and the YFA for your time, and the opportunity for the trip. And to the host families and host clubs for your kind generosity throughout my trip. It has been a true eye opener. Scotland... I’ll be back...