Rogerian Argument The Cheesecake Dilemma: Philadelphia vs. Juniors
Seeking Common Ground: What the varieties share : Round shape Crusts Ingredients: sugar, cream cheese, eggs Baking time is similar Price is similar Different variations of same basic recipe
The Juniors Cookbook
Phildelphia Brand Cookbook
Building Trust: Believing the writer Baked both varieties Baking for 42 years Taste tested Family approved Friend approved
Pucci’s Kitchen Some samples including Eggnog Bundt Cake and Mexican Hot Chocolate Bundt Cake
Reducing the threat: You can have your cake and eat it too Graham cracker or sponge cake crust Creamy soft or creamy firm Pricey or not Lots of prep time or a quick fix If you have the time, money, and appetite, Juniors is the choice for you!
Ms. Pucci’s Cheesecake Juniors’ Style