All about Quran and prayers Show and tell Raees. Quran Muslims believe that the Qur'an is the very word of God Almighty: a complete record of the exact.


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Presentation transcript:

All about Quran and prayers Show and tell Raees

Quran Muslims believe that the Qur'an is the very word of God Almighty: a complete record of the exact words revealed by God through the one of the important angels to Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of God be upon him). The Qur'an was memorized by Prophet Muhammad and his followers, dictated to his companions, and written down by scribes, who cross-checked it during the Prophet's lifetime. Not one word of its 114 surahs (chapters) has been changed over the centuries.

Facts about the quran! 1. It took 23 years to finish the quran. 2. There 30 big chapters in the quran. 3. There are 144 surahs ( stories of the prophets ). 4. There are 6,236 veres,77,934 words, 323,670, and aproximatley 1,015,030 dots in the Quran. 5.

What to do to read the Quran and do special prayers 1. You must be a muslim. 2. You must be clean by doing wudu (which I will tell you!). 3. You must learn to read the Quran Then you could read the Quran!!!!!!!!!

How to do wudu 1.First you need to recite bismillah. 2.Washing your hands including your wrist 3 times both times. 3.Gargling water 3 times 4.washing your nose 3 times. 5.Washing your beard (if you have one). 6.Wash your foot. 7.Carefully put a little bit of water on your hair. 8.Carefully wash you ears. You’re done

Adan ( call to prayer )

How to do prayers It depends which prayer you are doing because there are 5 different prayers. 1. Fajr you do it before sunrise 06:00 am. 2. Zuhr you do it at afternoon time 12:30 pm. 3. Asar you do it a little bit before sunset.04:30 pm. 4. Maghrib you do it after sunset when it is a little bit dark 05:45 pm. 5. Esha you usually do it at 07:15 pm.

How to do prayers I will show you !

How to read Arabic alphabet

Thank you for listening !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!