(propd) adj. supported by something under or against I propped my chair against the door so no one could get in.
(ed´ ǝ b ǝ l) adj. fit or safe to eat All of these apples are edible.
(lin´ g ǝ rd) v. past tense of linger: to be slow in leaving The student lingered by the doorway after the bell had rung.
(in spīrd´) v. influenced The lecture inspired me to do better.
(un just´ lē) adv. Unfairly The man was unjustly convicted.
(pûr´ si kūt´ ǝ d) v. past tense of persecute: to treat in a cruel and unjust way Jews were persecuted during World War II.
(lo´ jik) n. a way of thinking about something The student questioned the professor’s logic.
( ǝ par´ ǝ nt lē) adv. As far as one can judge by the way things appear I apparently have to call them because no one else is.
( ǝ sōōmd´) v. past tense of assume: to take for granted She assumed her friend would help her without asking first.
(rē al ´ i tē) n. something actual or real The T.V. show, “Survivor” is a reality show.