Post WWII and Cold War
The Cold War F Potsdam Conference –Stalin, ________________ F Iron Curtain F _____________ Policy F __________ Doctrine
Cold War (continued) F Marshall Plan F _______ Blockade ( ) –________ airlift F NATO / Warsaw Pact F Red Scare F _______________ -Joseph McCarthy
War in Korea F 38 th Parallel –__________ Korea... Communist –__________ Korea.... Dictatorial (US support) F North invades South 1950 F ________ Invasion... MacArthur F Chinese Intervention
End of Korea Conflict F Truman fires ___________ F Armistice (July 1953) –Cease Fire –______________ Zone –“Someone else’s War”
F Eisenhower elected... 52,56 F Nuclear Age –Nikita Khrushchev –______________... Francis Gary Powers F SuperPowers and _______ World Countries
The Kennedy Era F Election of 1960 F _________________ 1961 –Kennedy’s Big Blunder F _________________ 1962 –Kennedy’s Big Victory
Kennedy’s Assassination F Nov 22, Dallas TX F Suspect... __________________ F Oswald killed by Jack Ruby F ___________ Commission F Lyndon B. Pres.
Space Race F Sputnik 1957 F “Mercury Seven” –____________...first man in space –Alan Shepard...first American –___________...first Amer. to orbit –Neil Armstrong...first on Moon u Apollo 11...July 1969