The Space Program Highlights and Lowlights by Jeremiah Halstead
The Beginning n 1926: Robert Goddord launches first liquid-fuel rocket from his aunt’s farm n : Germans launch the liquid- fuel V-2 missle onto Great Brittian
The Space Race:Satellites n October 4, 1957: Russian satellite Sputnik I is launched. USSR starts and leads the space race. n January 31, 1958: American satellite Explorer I is launched. US starts space race behind USSR.
The Space Race:Lunar Probes n October 4, 1959: Russians launch Luna I to orbit the moon. n 1961: US Ranger probes started n January 31, 1966: Russians softly land a lunar probe on the Moon; Luna 9 n 1967: Surveyor 6 landed on the moon, took off again, and landed again; first successful lift off from a extraterrestrial surface
The Manned Firsts n April 12, 1961: Russian Yuri Gagarin launched into space and and orbits several times; first into space n May 5, 1961: Alan Shepard is launched into space for a 15 minute flight; first American into space n February 20, 1962: John Glenn orbits earth; first American to orbit
JFK’s Plan n On May 25, 1961 John F. Kennedy tells the nation that we need a man on the moon by the end of the decade
Gemini Missions n There were 10 Gemini Missions n All of the Gemini mission were to practice and refine techniques needed to take men to the moon n These techniques included docking, space walks, and extended stays in Zero-G
Apollo Program:Apollo I n January 27, 1967: First major setback or the Apollo program; A crew training on the pad in a capsule were distroyed by fire. n Astronauts Gus Grissom, Edward White, and Roger Chaffee were killed in the fatal fire. n The mission had not been officially named but was called Apollo I in memory of the astronauts.
Apollo Missions 2-6 n Missions 2-6 were unmanned test flights of new designs in the command module and service module
Apollo Missions 7 & 8 n Apollo 7 was launched on October 11, 1968, atop a Saturn 1-B to test the Command/Service Modules (CSM)
Apollo Program:Apollo 11 n July 16, 1969: Apollo 11 launched to land on the moon n July 20, 1969; 8:17 PM GMT: Apollo 11 lands on the moon