File Uplinks Through the Payload MDM POIWG Session 15 Tuesday, September 9, 2003, 3:15 to 3:35 David Deitsch, CPO Command and Data Systems Team MSFC Flight Projects Directorate FD33 Payload Systems Group David Deitsch (256) Angie Haddock (256) Page 1 (of 7)
Summary of Steps for File Up-link PD places file in PIMS for up-link and insures this is the proper file format and file name. PD generates OCR for up-link. CPO validates that the file name is in the File Authorization Table and the file is in PIMS. Upon approval of OCR, CPO will up-link the file and verify according to the command plan. Payload must issue a “Payload Request” read in their Payload Health and Status to transfer the file from the PLMDM Solid State Mass Memory Unit to the Payload. Page 2
File Uplinks Through the Payload MDM Page 3 The Increment 6 Lessons Learned indicated that information about payload file size, format, naming, and the file uplink process should be combined in a Payload Operations Handbook (POH) procedure. File size restrictions - Files on the Payload MDM must be an even number of bytes. Files can be a minimum size of two bytes and a maximum size of approximately 8MB due to uplink and onboard processing restrictions. (Refer to the S-band ICD SSP-41154). Note that files larger than 8MB may be uplinked in 30MB “chunks” and reassembled by the OCA for use on the Ops LAN only (refer to the TCO cadre). File format (byte swapped, Intel format, etc.) The file’s owner is responsible for determining the necessary format of the file to be uplinked. CPOs will not perform byte swapping or any other functions on files not owned by the CPO. A byte swap chart developed by the CPOs will be included in the POH procedure. Note that the PIMS Swap File Bytes function does not currently have an indication that a file has been byte swapped. The CPOs have submitted an Engineering Change Request (ECR FD , “Add byte swapped indication to PIMS”) to visually flag a byte swapped file.
Page 4 File Naming, Registering the file in PIMS, Making file inputs in PDL - Payload MDM file naming is described in the Ku-band ICD (SSP-41154). The file’s owner is responsible for registering the file in the Payload Information Management System (PIMS) Note that PIMS requires unique object names, byte swapping the file contents if required, and making an input in the Payload Data Library (PDL) C&DH dataset that will be used to generate the File Authorization Table (FAT). The FAT table entry is required because the Payload 1553-B local bus does not allow file names to be passed as arguments to commands. The file commands and a file ID number (one to 500) from the FAT is placed into the PEP Service request area of the payload health and status data to manipulate the payload files. For example: Read a file with a file ID of 201, PEP Service Request ID is 16, File ID from FAT table = 16, 201 Write to a file with a file ID of 304, File write request ID is 17, File ID from FAT table = 17, 304 Refer to the SSP document for more information on the PEP Service Requests and the SSP document for PDL inputs.
Page 5 Payload file storage on the Payload MDM - The Payload MDM’s Solid State Mass Memory Unit (SSMMU) was not intended to provide long term storage of payload files. Payload files will be deleted as part of the SSMMU cleanup at flight and increment transitions. The CPOs will notify a file’s owner before deleting the file. Note that payload file names are limited to 500 entries in the FAT table and can be re-used during the same flight. We recommend that a payload define two file names in PDL and reuse them as needed. CPO file functions - CPOs will uplink the payload files based on submitted Operations Change Requests (OCR). Refer to the SSP document, Part 2, for details of the HOSC drop box file uplink process. CPOs will troubleshoot file uplink and transfer anomalies.
Acronym List CPOCommand and PLMDM Officer CVTCurrent Value Table ECREngineering Change Request FATFile Authorization Table ICDInterface Control Document OCAOrbital Communications Adapter OCROperations Change Request PDLPayload Data Library PEPPayload Executive Processor PIMSPayload Information Management System PLMDM Payload Multiplexer/Demultiplexer POHPayload Operations Handbook POIWGPayload Operations Integration Working Group SSPSpace Station Program TBETeledyne Brown Engineering TCOTimeline Control Officer Page 6