Unpacking Embedded Assessment 2: Preparing for Argumentative Writing Unit 2 Activity 11 Unpacking Embedded Assessment 2: Preparing for Argumentative Writing SpringBoard English Language Arts Grade 7. Teacher ed. College Board, 2014. Print.
Learning Targets GHT: Q=signals words you do not know; H=words you have heard of and might be able to identify; T= words you know well enough to teach Graphic Organizer: A visual representation for the organization of information from text Summarizing: Giving a brief statement of the main points Marking the Text: Highlighting, underlining, and annotating while reading Note Taking: Keeping a record of information while listening or reading Drafting: Composing a text in its initial form
Independent Reading Idea Just and idea… Independent Reading Idea
Please read paragraph on Making connections, and review the answers you gave to the Essential Question in Activity 2.1 (p. 88) Did you change your answers? Why?
QHT Vocabulary Terms Academic Vocabulary Text Features Hypothesis Credibility Inference Primary Source Secondary Source Search Term Valid Norm Consensus Claim Counterclaim Literary Terms Expository Writing Documentary Film Rhetoric QHT Vocabulary Terms
Mark the Text Skim and Scan Graphic Organizer
Scoring Guide
Scoring Guide
Scoring Guide
Writing to Persuade
Writing to Persuade Teacher Example Convincing Mr. Schultz to buy the Fridge I wanted: Talked about pros and cons Use statistics Looked up recommendations Checked other fridges Looked up warranties Went to store price matched http://www.bestbuy.com/site/lg-24-7-cu-ft-french-door-refrigerator-with-thru-the-door-ice-and-water-stainless-steel/2869309.p?id=1218358815416&skuId=2869309
Writing to Persuade Individually answer Sit on desk 3. Stand-Up-Hand- Up-Pair-Up
Writing Process: Generating a Topic for an Argument
What has worked for you in a writing group? What did not work well?