The Road Not Taken Korea to Vietnam
Korean History Foreign skirmishes Korea threatened from foreign forces Part of imperialism : Colonial Japanese Rule
Vietnam History French control Vietnam Hanoi is the capital of French Indochina Tax revolt in Annam : Ho Chi Minh forms Indochinese Communist Party
Ho Chi Minh
Part League for the Independence of Vietnam Formed by Ho Chi Minh
Ho Chi Minh City
Korean History Post Northern Korea under Soviet Occupation Southern Korea under American Occupation.
Soviet And USA
Vietnam History Post 1945 Ho Chi Minh declares Vietnam independent Places government in the North French return after WWII with American and British support
North Vietnam
Korean History North Korea: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea South Korea: Republic of Korea Korean War Sino-Korean Offensive of 1950
North and South
Vietnam History 1954 Dien Bien Phu: Defeat of French Ho Chi Minh controls the north Vietnam gets divided into North and South Proposed elections for 1956 but never happened
A Body Meets A Body
Vietnam War American involvement replaces French in 1965 through to 1975.
Similarities Imperialism from foreign nations China gets involved in some fashion Post WWII occupations lead to independence movements.