Shingai Machingaidze, Suzanne Verver, Humphrey Mulenga, Deborah-Ann Abrahams, Mark Hatherill, Willem Hanekom, Gregory D. Hussey, and Hassan Mahomed Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 186, pp 1051–1056, Nov 15, 2012 R1 김민제 1 Predictive Value of Recent QuantiFERON Conversion for Tuberculosis Disease in Adolescents
Background IGRAs (IFN-g release assays) A new tool for the diagnosis of latent tuberculosis (TB) infection Detection of INF- g released by T cells (after exposure of mononuclear cells to M. tuberculosis) Fetures Unaffected by prior BCG vaccination Ex vivo assays (Require one visit) Able to be repeated without sensitization or boosting Standardized interpretation IGRAs have been recommended for serial testing for TB infection in populations with continued risk of TB exposures 2
Background Recent TST (Tuberculin Skin Test) conversion (risk of developing active TB disease) However, recent IGRA conversion remains unknown What is an IGRA “Conversion” What is the “Prognosis” of IGRA conversion What is an IGRA “Reversion” Evidence is still required to answer key questions 3
Objective The incidence rate of active TB disease after recent QuantiFERON Gold In-Tube (QFT) conversion in adolescents compared with those who did not convert Assess “Predictive value of QTF conversion for active TB disease” Assess “Effect of varying the definition of QFT conversion on the TB incidence rate” 4
Methods 5 Extension of ACS* Prospective epidemiological cohort study of TB disease in 12 to 18 yrs of age Followed for at least 2yrs From “July 2005” untill “February 2009” QFT tests were scheduled for all participants at baseline and at 2 yr follow-up “QFT nonconverters” : Remained QFT negative “QFT converters” : Negative at baseline Positive at 2yr follow-up visit Selected participants underwent further period of observation for incident TB disease from March 2009 until September 2010 * ACS : Adolescent Cohort Study
TB Diagnosis and processes 6 All suspected participants were investigated through Sputum smears cultures Chest X-rays Protocol defined case of TB : confirmed by two or more sputum smears (+) and/or one culture (+) * Uncertainty Zone : regarding QFT conversion, values falling in thes zone might not be “True conversion” [ 0.20 ~ 0.50 UL/ml] “Doubtful conversion”
RESULT 9 Tuberculosis incidence rate ratio : ‘8.54’ for all cases
RESULT 11 Uncertainty Zone [ 0.20 ~ 0.50 UL/ml ] ‘Doubtfull conversion’ : 116/ 534 (21.7%), 4/ 15 (26.7%) QTF Reversion [ baseline IFN-g > 0.35 IU/ml, follow-up, <0.35 IU/ml ] : 241/ 2613
CONCLUSION 12 Recent QFT conversion was indicative of an approximately eight fold higher risk of progression to TB disease (compared with nonconverters) in a cohort of adolescents in a high–TB burden population The predictive value of recent QFT conversion for the development of active TB disease is 2.6% within approximately 2 years after QFT conversion Varying the definition of QFT conversion seems to have had minimal effect on the TB incidence rate in the QFT converter group
Comments 13 IPT(Isoniazid preventive therapy) for 100 adolescents, two or three subsequent TB cases would be averted “Uncertainty Zone” showed 78% of QFT convertsions to be “true conversion” A number of converters had less than 2 yrs follow up periods, and not all tests were available The results of this study will strengthen the evidence base for IGRA guidelines,. However, a proper cost effectiveness analysis is needed to validate the use of these findings in low- and middle-income countries.