How to prevent it, stop it, and handle it.
Bullying is just a stage, a normal part of life. Myth Fact: Bullying is not normal or socially acceptable behavior. We give bullies power by our acceptance of this behavior. If I tell someone, it will just make it worse. Myth Fact: Research shows that bullying will stop when adults in authority and peers get involved.
The bully will stop if you give them a taste of their own medicine. Myth Fact: Retaliation and fighting back usually makes the bullying worse and increases the risk for physical harm. People are born bullies. Myth Fact: Bullying is a learned behavior and behaviors can change.
A student is being bullied when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more students. Bullying is an imbalance of power. What does that mean? The student who is being bullied has a difficult time defending him or herself from someone who may be stronger or have a higher social status.
Physical – kicking, punching, etc. Verbal - taunting, teasing, harassment, etc. Non Verbal – obscene gestures
Indirect – having someone else get physical, spreading rumors, excluding someone from a group, etc. Relational Bullying – targets relationships and social status Cyber Bullying – , cell phone, social networking, etc. ue&persist_safety_mode=1
Don’t be an audience to the bully Get help from an adult Don’t laugh when someone is being picked on
Be strong and respond firmly. Don’t ignore the behavior. Doing so gives the bully permission to keep doing it. Follow the flow chart and FOLLOW THRU!!
How do you know if you are a bully? You might: feel good when you hurt others, avoid thinking about other people’s feelings, use your strength or social status to feel important. Apologize to those you have hurt. Stop your actions if they are hurting someone. Talk to your counselor or a trusted adult about what you can do.
Teachers Counselors Principal or Vice Principal
What is bullying? Who is a bully? What are the different types of bullying? What can a bystander do to stop bullying? A victim? A Bully? How can you report bullying? Any questions?