Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation Workshop on the INSPIRE registry and registers Andreas von Dömming, Marcus Walther - GDI-DE/BKG René Thiele - FH Frankfurt Germany
Registry developments and plans Involved organisations / governance GDI-DE (SDI Coordination Office Germany) BKG (Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy) Frankfurt University of applied Sciences Scope INSPIRE & NSDI Content Codelists Namespaces INSPIRE-Monitoring Organisations (CRS) (XML-Schema)
Technical overview Technologies / software used Java/PostgreSQL, AJAX, Spring (Web Framework) in development (FH Frankfurt) Software LicenceBSD 3-clause (planned) Access & re-use conditions ? open and free (planned) Standards usedISO Formats and APIs supported ISO / RegML REST/SOAP-API
Connecting registries Existing connections to other registries none Requirements for connections to the INSPIRE registry? Linked Data/Items (e.g. extending INSPIRE-Codelists) exchange formats: –RegML, –Codelists/Codes: GML/SKOS/GenericCode Architecture: SOA Governance: Can any LMO, SDIG be submitting organisation? (discussion).
Future development of INSPIRE registry How are you using / planning to use the INSPIRE registry (software or service)? use cases: depend on registers supported by INSPIRE- registry Applications: geoportal (possibly) Which additional features would you like to see? Don’t restrict content to INSPIRE only, e.g. support registration of non-INSPIRE schemas & codelists. Which additional content would you like to see? Spatial object identifier namespaces Coordinate reference systems and operations Units of measurements
Pointers and additional information We can provide: data model of GDI-DE Registry (draft) BPMN of GDI-DE Registry REST interface (draft)