Chapter 4 Morphology
Morphology 형태론 : morpheme 형태소 : the smallest meaningful unit; internally indivisible: {plural}, {past} the, unit, small + est, mean+ing + ful, in + divide + ible, morph 형태 : the concrete realization of a morpheme -walk-ed, study-ed, want-ed: the past morpheme can be realized as [t], [d], [id]. -the past form of let: let- Ø : zero morph (no phonetic realization) the plural forms of sheep, fish: sheep, fish
1. free morpheme: content words (noun, verb, adjective, adverb), function words bound morpheme : bound roots re/ad/sub-mit, con/sub/intro-vert..), affix unique morpheme 유일 형태소 : un-kempt, un-couth, ruth-less, luke-warm, cran-berry ( 감쪽같이, 앙갚음, 엉거주춤, 안간힘 ) 2. Affix: prefix 접두사 (re-classify, im-possible) suffix 접미사 (mean-ing, book-s.. ), infix 접요사 (speedometer, ped-o-meter..)
3. derivational morpheme: 파생형태소 prefix, suffix: 2 functions: class-changing (class-ify, nation-al..) vs. class-maintaining (un-happy, il-logical..) inflectional morpheme: 굴절형태소 (1) indicate grammatical meanings such as tense, number.. : walk-s, walk-ed, walk-ing, book-s (2) attach to all or most members of a certain word class: 4. grammatical morpheme: functional words, inflectional affix ==> closed category lexical morpheme: content words, derivational affix ==> open category
5. allomorph 이형태 : phonetically realized variants of a morpheme (cf. allophone) (1)the plural morpheme: book-s: [s], bus-es: [iz], chair-s: [z] {plural} --> [iz]/ [sibilant]___ [s]/ [voiceless non-sibilant]__ (vl. non-sibilant: /p, f, ɵ, t, k/) (cf. sibilant: /s, z, ʃ, ʒ, t ʃ,d ʒ / [z]/ elsewhere (2) the past morpheme: (3) {NEG}: il-logical, im-possible, ir- resistable, in-convenient,
Processes of Word-Formation 1. derivation 파생 : by adding a derivational affix to a root (1) suffix: reduce > reduction, pity > pitiful, prefix: happy > un-happy, possible > im-possible, sleep > a-sleep, large > en-large (2) class-changing vs. class-maintaining derivation (3) [non-[smoke-er]] (cf. *[[non-smoke]-er]), un- grammar-tical-ity (4) Which affix attaches to which root is quite arbitrary, unpredictable, so derivational affixes must be stated separately in the lexicon. (deny-al, meet-ing, reduce-tion, visit-ation, walk- ∅ )
2. Reduplication: by doubling the entire word or its part boo-boo, choo-choo, papa/ hodge-podge, boogie-woogie/ zig-zag, ping-pong, wishy- washy 3. Functional Shift: zero-derivation (1)V > N: run, drive, break N>V: head, man A>V: weary, better A>N: poor, given particle > V: down, up, off (2) commonization (= antonomasia 환칭 ): proper noun > common word N: cashmere, china, sandwich, kleenex, robot, jumbo V: lynch, pander, xerox
4. Compounds 복합어 : by combining 2 or more free morphemes; a single word (1) icecream, ice-cream, ice cream (2) compounds vs. phrases: stonewall vs. stone wall, blackbird vs. black bird (3) vs. phrasal verb: burnout vs. burn out, countout vs. count out, takeoff vs. take off. (4) phrasal compounds: sons-in-law, forget- me-not, my neighbor next door's dog
5. Blends 합성어 : 2 free words are combined and blended by clipping smoke+fog > smog, motor+hotel > motel, sky+hijacker > skyjacker, transfer+resistor > transister, documentary+drama > docudrama, fact+fiction > faction
6. Back-formation: 역성법 : a word is reanalyzed as a morphologically complex word; and a new simple word is derived from it by analogy. N - er > V: sightseer > sightsee, editor > edit, babysitter > babysit N - ion > V: self-destruction > self- destruct, intuition > intuit N - s > singular N: peas > pea
7. Shortening: 축약 a part of a word is deleted. (1) Clipping: mimeo(graph), condo(minium), fan(atic), mitt(en), (ham)burger, (ad)venture // (re)fridge(rator), (in)flu(enza) prof., exam., lab., gym., psych. (2) acronym: the initial letters of words in a phrase WASP: White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, radar, AIDS, laser (3) initialism: B.C., A.D., U.S.A. O.K. (okay), t.v., I.D.
8. Neologism (=coinage) 신조어 : newly coined words; blog head 9. idioms: a sequence of words which functions as a single unit spill the beans, shoot the breeze, 10. Borrowings