1 Science Board and STFC News Prof. Dan Tovey University of Sheffield
Science Board Core Membership Olwyn Byron - University of Glasgow Alison Davenport - University of Birmingham (Chair) Sean Freeman - University of Manchester Jon Goff – RHUL Matt Griffin - Cardiff University Alan Heavens - Imperial College London Anthony Lasenby - University of Cambridge Ken Long - Imperial College and RAL Malcolm McMahon - University of Edinburgh Bob Nichol - University of Portsmouth Simon Redfern - University of Cambridge Pam Thomas - University of Warwick Dan Tovey - University of Sheffield (Deputy Chair) Justin Wark - University of Oxford Alfons Weber - University of Oxford and RAL Chick Wilson – University of Bath 2
Programmatic Review Recap Major strategic review of STFC programme by Science Board –Focus on science priorities –Included all aspects of STFC programme for 1 st time, including Dedicated Impact programme –Advisory Panel input vital and much appreciated –Alpha rankings assigned: exploitation g1-g3, projects 5- 1 –Process took 9 months + 9 month delay in announcement due to timing of budgets final report released March 2014 – Delivery Plan (June 2014) formulated by STFC Executive and approved by Council –Largely accepts PR recommendations (but see later…) – 3
STFC Funding Allocation Recap * Reflects a £6.9m reassignment of corporate overheads from Core Programme to UK Large Facilities Funding between 2011/12 and 2014/15 as allocated in December
Consolidated Grants Delivery Plan implements flat cash for grants lines (PR recommended indexation in flat cash budget scenario) –Equivalent to further cuts in volume at least to FY15/16. –Grants rounds will (once again) be very tight –Already seeing the effects in NP and PPGP(T) PPGP(E) 2015 round just getting started –First panel meeting next week – details of schedule tbc –Deadline for submissions probably February (as previously) –GridPP to be considered alongside exploitation-phase projects STFC conducting review of implementation of CGs –Reported to July Science Board meeting –Meeting with NP and PP grant-holders will be called to discuss findings final decisions have not yet been taken –Any impacts on current round will only be implemented following full discussion with grant-holders. 5
Capital RCUK strongly constrained in terms of capital spending STFC made strong case to BIS for extra capital for FY15/16 led directly to extra capital for PPAN programme –Case made by Programmatic Review was critical Extra capital invaluable for short/medium term programme –LHC experiment upgrades –GridPP –Particle Astrophysics (CTA, LUX-ZEPLIN) Longer term programme ( ) depends on successful outcome of BIS Capital Consultation –Submissions from STFC and Science Board consistent with PR priorities –Community submissions from APs, universities, individuals etc. –First indications of outcome in autumn with publication of Science and Innovation strategy – research-proposals-for-long-term-capital-investmenthttps:// research-proposals-for-long-term-capital-investment 6
Projects LHC Upgrades: –Funding agreed for ATLAS+CMS Phase-1 upgrades –LHCb + ATLAS/CMS Phase-2: Implementing recommendations of LHC Tensioning Group –Aim to maintain leadership roles in ATLAS, CMS and LHCb upgrades –In common with international partners support very unlikely to be at the level of the collaborations’ ambitions –STFC continues to discuss with other funding agencies and CERN Long baseline neutrinos: –STFC fully signed up to joint statement from funding agencies –Currently reviewing proposals for involvement in LBNE/F, T2HK, CHIPS. CTA and LUX-ZEPLIN: –Planning on basis of participation in both CTA and LZ, subject to peer review and affordability of recommendations –Secured FY15/16 capital for CTA/LZ critical for these projects ILC SoI considered at July Science Board meeting 7
Accelerator Strategy Accelerator Review is first in series of focused reviews of cross-cutting fields recommended by Programmatic Review –Aims to provide strategic overview of the field –Consider breadth, scope, organisation and delivery of programme –Institutes, universities and projects invited to submit detailed PR- style proformas many thanks to community for inputs –Panel reports to SB in December –ASB will develop a more detailed strategy and prioritised roadmap based on findings together with strategic direction from SB Ongoing discussions with US and other international partners in MICE following US P5 report –US-led review of MICE taking place in August 8
Next Spending Round Current Spending Round covers period to end FY15/16 Government planning for next Spending Round will probably start this time next year –Plan to use current PR to inform planning for next Spending Round, updated to respond to developments in the field as appropriate. –Advisory Panel input once again vital and much appreciated –APs requested to provide yearly refresh of prioritisation documents 9