Status of ECAP Simulations for the KM3NeT TDR KM3NeT WP2 meeting Rezo Shanidze Paris, December 2008
KM3NeT simulations: from CDR to TDR String design (NIKHEF) Path to TDR : Write up for cable-based design New multi-PMT OM design (from NIKHEF)
Multi-PMT OM in cabled design 5. Optical interface 3. PMT base 2. PMT 4. Communication Concentrator 6. Cooling 1. Glass sphere from NIKHEF (E. de Wolf, E. Heine ) presentations at KM3NeT WP 3/4/5 meeting, Paris, 15-16/19/2008 Multi-PMT OM configurations Reference detector vs. Write-up PMTs () () () () CDR (RefDet) 21 0 Write-up
V3.4 14/10/2008 Write-up for cabled design
KM3NeT detector simulations in ECAP ANTARES Software: detector physics events PMT hits reconstruction gendet genhen mupage Simulations in ECAP after CDR km3 reco New PC-farm in ECAP Erlangen ANTARES/KM3NeT software installation on PC-farm mupage for atmospheric- simulations in KM3NeT PC-farm and ANTARES/KM3NeT related software: Ralf Auer and Claudio Kopper
common disk Space ~ 25 TB ECAP PC-farm with Grid Engine queuing system Used by all ECAP groups: ANTARES, KM3NeT, H.E.S.S., Detector development 260 batch nodes 130 interactive nodes ECAP PC-farm for KM3NeT simulations
New detector configuration V = A x L DU, A = (n-1) 2 xd 2 CDR: L DU = 595 m, d = 95 m, 1.05 km 3 OMs = 225 x 37 St. = 8325; PMTs = (21x8325) New: L DU = 493 m, D= km 3 OMs = 225 x 25 St. = 5625; PMTs = (31x5625) CDR reference detector new detector: same instrumented volume ( 1km 3 ), total photocathode area, number of detection units ( n x n = 15x15=225) Down-looking PMTS OM with 31x3” PMTs. CDR
Effective Area Detector configuration: s25om31d105 Effective area of s25om31d105 configuration, calculated for the different conditions.
Detector configuration: s25om31d105 Effective Area vs neutrino angle Next step: Detailed comparison of effective area angular resolution for CDR reference detector and new configuration.
Simulation of atmospheric muons: MUPAGE Input: detector surface and physics information: detector geometry, depth Medium: water/ice zenith angle range [0 o,85 o ] max distance of from the shower axis in a bundle [100m] Range of muon energy [20,10 5 ] GeV Range bundle multiplicity [0,1000] Output: ascii files in table format Equivalent livetime of simulated run bundle on a can surface Example from M.Spurio (VLVnT08): R, h ~ 300 / 600 m A=1.4 km 2 depth = 2.5 km w.e. Livetime = 1 month E > 20 GeV, m=[0,100]. 3.6 10 9 bundles 358 files (2h livetime), 600 GB (ascii) CPU: 360 h (2xIntel Xeon Quad Core, 2.33 GHz)
MUPAGE New simulations with v3.1 ( bug in v2.2, G. Carminati ANTARES PAW meeting, Rome, ) Current event sample with mupage v 3.1 : 10 7 events ( -bundles) at 3 different depth: 2500, 3500, 4800 m with same CAN parameters: R ≈1.2 km, h ≈ 0.8 km, A ≈ 10.3 km 2 Depth (km) Live time ( 10 7 ev sec/h) -mult CPU / 10 6 CPU/10 5 ( km3 ) file size (MB) ( 10 6 ascii) / :29:49 2: 36: / :49:01 2: 42: / :12:31 2:48: MUPAGE ECAP PC-farm ( 10 7 events) atm- simulation (MUPAGE ) requires large computing resources and large scale simulations could be performed for the selected TDR detector. Livetime = 1 month for KM3NeT ~ 3 x -bundles /2500 m
MUPAGE data Angular distribution of -bundles at 3 different depth Detector at: m m m Solid angle for Neutrino observation cos is slightly larger for 4800 m mupage simulations: cos < For 2.5/3.5/4.8 km cos < /-0.127/
Expected rate in KM3NeT: few x Hz ( 1 in few minutes ) Expected atm- -rate ( > 5 hit, Hz) : 2500 / 500 / 100 ( > 10 hit, Hz) : 1750 / 360 / 70 ( > 100 hit, Hz) : 40 / 6 / 1 Expected 40 K hits/10 s : ~ 7000 ( for 4kHz/PMT, 4% of PMTs ) Expected, atm- and 40 K rates in KM3NeT atm- hit rate for MultiPMT det. at 2500 m calculated with MUPAGE and KM3 ( 2.5 km ) Mean number of hits ~ 15.5 [ 2.4 / 3.5 / 4.8 km]
Reconstruction of atm- events Reconstruction of -events: - necessary to estimate the ate of miss-reconstructed atm- sample. (keep < 10% for -sample) Reconstruction code in ECAP for KM3NeT: RECO/Aart strategy ( with modifications by S.Kuch ) Example of atm- reconstruction of mupage (v2.2) events. No quality cuts !
Summary and outlook KM3NeT detector simulation is fully operational and ECAP PC-farm ( thanks to Ralf Auer and Claudio Copper ! ) Atmospheric simulations (MUPAGE) are included in the KM3NeT TDR studies. ECAP simulations for TDR will be performed for the cabled design option of the KM3NeT detector. Most of the tools needed for the analysis of simulated events are already developed in ECAP ( PhD of Sebastian Kuch). The results for the KM3NeT TDR simulations should be cross- checked with other groups.