HTML HyperText Markup Language The Language used to design web pages Code mixed with text Tags enclosed in angle brackets Single tags Paired tags Tags used to format Appearance Layout Controls content
C REATE A W EB P AGE WITH HTML Use NotePad Text file Start with 4 Global Tags Save as.html No spaces in file name Use lower case letters Image files gif jpg png No spaces in file names Lower case letters
G LOBAL T AGS – IN N OTE P AD Name of Page All content goes here Format with tags
TAG Attributes – ways to change the look Bgcolor (solid color background) Background (image file) Text (color) link (color) vlink (color) Alink (color) In NotePad –
H EADING T AGS through Changes the size of the heading Makes the heading bold Puts a blank space after the heading Attributes Align (left, right, center) In NotePad – below Presentation (Try other H sizes)
P ARAGRAPH & B REAK T AGS Blank space will follow the text Text wraps Alignment (left, right, center) Starts a new line - Single space No blank space between lines Single tag Your Name Pres San Jose
H YPERLINK T AG Name of Link EXTERNAL LINK – links to outside the site Pres INTERNAL LINK - links to other pages within site History of Pres INTRA PAGE LINK – links within the same page Class
T ABLE – 2 ROWS – 2 COLUMNS begins/ends row creates column cells Attributes - Height – in pixels - Width – in pixels or % - Align (horizontal) - Border – in pixels - Bgcolor – RGB number - Valign (vertical alignment)
O THER TAGS attributes – height, width, border, alt horizontal rule
RGB C OLORS 216 web safe colors 6 digits Use for page background Use for fonts Use for table background Use for borders and horizontal rules Check out online RGB chartRGB chart
HTML O NLINE Tutorial Tutorial Web Monkey HTML Cheat Sheet Web Monkey HTML Cheat Sheet
L ISTS begins and ends a numbered list begins and ends a bullet list begins and ends a list inside the bullet or numbered list