Depth of Field
Selective Depth of Field Only having one subject in focus The rest of the picture is blurry Gives attention to main subject Use apertures: f/1.4, f/2, f/3.5
Total Depth of Field The smaller the aperture size the more of the scene will be sharp (in focus near to far) Sharp background and foreground Use apertures: f/11, f/16, f/22
HOW TO – Part 1 Choose Mode Av for Nikon, A for Canon Set your ISO to 400 Set your Quality to Large, JPG Format your memory card Go OUTSIDE Compose a shot with a leading line Shoot at each whole stop aperture available on your lens: 1.8, 2, 2.8, 3.5, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22
HOW TO – Part 2 Keep shooting! Using ONLY your smallest and largest apertures, take 10 more sets of photos – for example f/1.8 & f/22 Remember to use LEADING LINE composition in each of the photos.
For example, shoot 10 pairs like this.
What to Submit: Back in class, save these images in your Unit 7 folder. Create 2 new contact sheets – one for each part of the assignment. Upload your PDFs to Moodle.