1 Monitoring and Revising the Title I, Part A, Schoolwide Plan Virginia Department of Education Office of Program Administration and Accountability Title.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Monitoring and Revising the Title I, Part A, Schoolwide Plan Virginia Department of Education Office of Program Administration and Accountability Title I University May 19, 2016

2 Session Agenda Schoolwide Plan Requirements under NCLB Process for Annual Review and Revision of Schoolwide Plan Stakeholder Involvement Evaluation of Current Plan Revising the Plan Timeline New Schoolwide Plan Guidance Schoolwide Plan Requirements under ESSA— highlighting changes

3 a comprehensive needs assessment (CNA) on the performance of all student populations a comprehensive plan based on the strengths/areas for improvement from the CNA an annual evaluation on the implementation of the plan to gauge effectiveness of the strategies utilized Core Elements of a Schoolwide Plan Title I schoolwide programs are implemented based on 3 core elements :

4 10 Components of a Schoolwide Plan under NCLB 1.A comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school; 2.Schoolwide reform strategies that: –Provide opportunities for all children to meet the state's proficient and advanced levels of student academic achievement; –Use effective methods and instructional strategies that are based on scientifically based research; –Include strategies to address the needs of all children in the school, but particularly the needs of low-achieving children and those at risk of not meeting the State student academic achievement and how the school will determine if such needs have been met; 3.Instruction by highly qualified teachers; 4.High-quality and on-going professional development; 5.Strategies to attract high-quality highly qualified teachers to high-need schools;

5 10 Components of a Schoolwide Plan under NCLB 6.Strategies to increase parental involvement; 7.Plans for assisting preschool children in the transition from early childhood programs to local elementary school programs; 8.Measures to include teachers in the decisions regarding the use of academic assessments in order to provide information on, and to improve, the achievement of individual students and the overall instructional program; 9.Activities to ensure that students who experience difficulty mastering the proficient or advanced levels of academic achievement standards shall be provided with effective, timely additional assistance; and 10.Coordination and integration of federal, state, and local services and programs.

6 Stakeholder Involvement The schoolwide plan should be reviewed and revised annually with the involvement of: Teachers; Principals and other administrators; and Parents. Additional stakeholders, if appropriate, may include: Pupil service personnel; Technical assistance providers; School staff; and Students (if secondary school).

7 Evaluating the Current Plan What data sources might you use? Student Achievement Data –Multiple Measures –Formative and Summative Parent Involvement Data –Sign in sheets –Surveys Teacher Input –Surveys Administrator Input –Observations/Walkthroughs Other Measures –Discipline –Attendance Depending on the focus of your plan, you may review other data source s.

8 Evaluating the Current Plan Which of the ten schoolwide plan elements are likely to require the greatest focus? #1 – Comprehensive Needs Assessment #2—Schoolwide reform strategies #4 –Ongoing professional development #6—Strategies to increase parental involvement #9—Interventions for at-risk students

9 Sample Action Plan Template You may have included a monitoring plan in your schoolwide planning process :

10 Updating the Plan To emphasize the revised portions of your plan, use dates and consider using a different color text: In the school year, ABC School will expand communication to parents supporting the already established parent-teacher conference night to include one conference night per semester. Beyond established report cards and progress notes generated by the student data system every 3-6 weeks, ABC School will send home copies of the most recent MAP testing with graphs and clear explanations of educational lingo and definitions to parents regarding their students’ progress. Title 1 teachers will be available during the Fall Parent/Teacher Conference nights to assist parents needing information about MAP reports.

11 Timeline Set meeting dates and due dates for school submission of revised plans to the division Title I Coordinator: When will data be available to the school? How many meetings will be needed to review data? How many meetings will be needed to revise the plan? When will data be due to the division Title I Coordinator?

12 The Schoolwide Plan Template

13 Access to the New USED Schoolwide Guidance The schoolwide guidance can be accessed on the USED Web site and on the Title I Web site.USED Web site Title I Web site

14 Highlights from USED Presentation

15 Highlights from USED Presentation

16 Highlights from USED Presentation

17 Highlights from USED Presentation

18 Highlights from USED Presentation

19 Highlights from USED Presentation

20 Highlights from USED Presentation

21 Highlights from USED Presentation

22 Highlights from USED Presentation

23 Highlights from USED Presentation

24 Highlights from USED Presentation

25 Components of a Schoolwide Plan under ESSA— highlighting changes 1.A comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school; 2.Schoolwide reform strategies that: –Provide opportunities for all children, including each of the subgroups of students, to meet the challenging state standards; –Use effective methods and instructional strategies that are based on scientifically based research, which may include programs, activities, and courses necessary to provide a well-rounded education; –Include strategies to address the needs of all children in the school, but particularly the needs of low-achieving children and those at risk of not meeting the State student academic achievement, which may include Counseling, school-based mental health services, specialized instructional support services, mentoring services; Preparation for and awareness of opportunities for postsecondary education and the workforce;

26 Components of a Schoolwide Plan under ESSA— highlighting changes Implementation of a schoolwide tiered model to prevent and address problem behavior, and early intervening services coordinated with similar activities and services carried out under IDEA Professional development and other activities for teachers paraprofessionals, and other school personnel to improve instruction and use data from academic assessments, and to recruit and retain effective teachers, and Strategies for assisting preschool children in the transition from early childhood programs to local elementary school programs and how the school will determine if such needs have been met 3.Instruction by highly qualified teachers; 4.High-quality and on-going professional development; 5.Strategies to attract high-quality highly qualified teachers to high-need schools;

27 Components of a Schoolwide Plan under ESSA— highlighting changes 6.Strategies to increase parental involvement; 7.Plans for assisting preschool children in the transition from early childhood programs to local elementary school programs; 8.Measures to include teachers in the decisions regarding the use of academic assessments in order to provide information on, and to improve, the achievement of individual students and the overall instructional program; 9.Activities to ensure that students who experience difficulty mastering the proficient or advanced levels of academic achievement standards shall be provided with effective, timely additional assistance; and 10.Coordination and integration of federal, state, and local services and programs.

28 Components of a Schoolwide Plan under ESSA— highlighting changes 3.Preschool Programs – A school that operates a schoolwide section under a preschool program may use funds available under this part to establish or enhance preschool programs for children who are under 6 years of age 4.Delivery of Services – The services of a schoolwide program under this section may be delivered by nonprofit or for-profit external providers with expertise in using an evidence-based or other effective strategies to improve student achievement. Section 1008 of ESSA provides the complete description of schoolwide plan requirements.ESSA

29 Contact Information Lynn Sodat, Ph.D. Acting Director Office of Program Administration & Accountability Virginia Department of Education Tel: Title I, Part A, Web Page