‘Contracts for Change ’ Contracts for the development of services in Gloucestershire Sara Keetley, Gloucestershire County Council Eric Brown, Advance Housing Amanda Johnson, Housing Options (and representing Brandon Trust)
Overview-Why talk about Gloucestershire April Negotiated tender process completed and block contract awarded to Brandon Trust. Provision of care and support for 15 years for 161 people, with a contract for change Brandon work with Housing partner, Advance, to reconfigure accommodation outlined in Estates and Services Strategy 2007 Stakeholders work together to introduce change-involves people supported, families, GCC, PCT, Advance, Brandon, Councillors, staff representatives
Background Why change in Gloucestershire Negotiated Tender process Key stakeholders Contract for 15 years from April 2006 Change contract and shared vision Challenges –Balancing best value, the creation of a stable commissioning environment and the changing aspirations of people we support –Arriving at a shared position on sharing and investing efficiencies –Buying innovation
KEY POINTS Property Issues Support changes Process Contracts Outcomes Future challenges
Property Arrangements prior to transfer Two RSLs have nominal ownership of the PCT properties No incentive to invest capital in the properties Requirement to change the legal framework to allow capital investment
How did things change- Property GCC/PCT BrandonAdvance PCT Grant agreement Legal charge Option agreement SLA Care Agreement Project Agreement
Principles for property transfer Changes subject to detailed business case PCT can postpone legal charge PCT and Advance will share in any capital growth Option agreement can be waived when a property is deregistered Grant can be transferred to another property
Outline proposals for future services Group supported living Individual Supported Living Extra care/ older people’s services Registered care
How decisions were made(1) The proposals were made following work with key stakeholders and taking the following factors into account: Brandon Trust asked everyone they supported what they (and their family )wanted Ensure properties were suitable for long term use and adaptable to meet changing need Working to Commissioning Strategy and contractual agreements Action on longstanding and costly void beds
How decisions were made(2) Identifying options and changing expectations about how and where people live e.g. more en suite provision, level access, self contained The rate of configuration to be informed by person centred approaches, Care Management Assessments, Families input, Mental Capacity Act Financial efficiencies were based on service reconfiguration and the continuance of housing benefit as a funding stream was assumed. National context of change
Policy Direction in England
Contract development Service Commissioners (Glos County Council and PCT) Project Agreement Care Home Agreement for 161 places Brandon Trust Provision for 161 people Project Agreement Care Home agreement for 156 places Care Home agreement for 161 people Supported living agreement for people Individual/Personal Budgets New tenancies Service Commissioners (GCC and PCT) Contracts NowContracts post reconfiguration
What has really happened! 22 new tenancies within small shared accommodation Housing Corporation bid for ‘Extra care’ is ready to be submitted Support staff, families and people with learning disabilities increasingly aware of their options Steering group is well established Financial efficiencies being realised by Commissioners and Brandon Trust
Where next? 161(variable to meet assessed needs) Individual budgets established within the Block Contract Amending legal contracts within the overall Project Agreement to reflect Individual Budgets Creative housing solutions including Home Ownership. Self Directed Support and choice Stakeholders meeting the challenges and pace of change Remembering the real target- Better lives, opportunities, health and wellbeing for individuals