Getting The Most Out of ISO14001:2015 Martin Baxter IEMA Chief Policy Advisor @mbaxteriema
Welcome & Introductions
IEMA & WSCP Who you are What you do Your interest and involvement in ISO 14001 Where are you on the transition to the new standard?
Lifecycle perspective Risks & opportunities and compliance Outline Context of ISO 14001:2015 Leadership Lifecycle perspective Risks & opportunities and compliance Implications for your organisation Timetable for implementation & demonstrating achievement
Context ISO 14001 in terms of scale, scope, potential to support change Organisation specific – understanding key internal factors Needs and expectations of interested parties
Leadership Accountability Strategic alignment Integration Policy & direction
Lifecycle perspective
Lifecycle Perspective
Lifecycle Perspective
Risks and opportunities & compliance
Environmental risk (aspects and impacts) Organisational risk Risks & Opportunities Environmental risk (aspects and impacts) Organisational risk Potential opportunities External environmental conditions Control and influence
Compliance Compliance Obligations: Legal requirements that an organisation has to comply with and other requirements that an organisation has to or chooses to comply with (ISO 14001:2015) Legal compliance Full implementation of applicable environmental legislation. Compliance occurs when requirements are met and desired changes are achieved (IMPEL “Principles of Environmental Enforcement”)
Compliance Permits…& exemptions Generally applied laws & regs (e.g. Duty of Care) Financial (e.g. carbon taxes) Product regulation (e.g. REACH, packaging, Eco-Design) Activity-based regulation (e.g. ESOS) Labelling (e.g. green claims) Location-specific (e.g. SSSIs, SPA, SAC) Species-specific (flora and fauna) Contracts
Compliance isn’t getting any easier!
Legal Register? Activity Regulation – be specific - & regulator Description of the regulations & Relevance to the organisation Be specific on how do they apply, including standards that need to be achieved Level of performance that needs to be achieved Information needed to evaluate compliance, and frequently of compliance checks? Responsible person(s) Reference to relevant permits, licences, authorisations etc Review period!!!!
Evaluating Compliance Performance Comparison of discharges against consent limits Audit findings - internal or external Regulator findings Environmental incidents or complaints Progress against the environmental management programme & objectives Results of the environmental monitoring programmes Risk assessments
Compliance Indicators Use of measurements or indicators to help ensure compliance Reflective Predictive
Operational Control
Design & development process considering each life-cycle stage Operational Control Controls Design & development process considering each life-cycle stage Procurement of products and services Communicate requirements Information for forward life-cycle stages
Potential Implications
Potential Implications Interpretation Business value Competence Integration External environmental change
Forms of Recognition Self declaration 2nd part audits External confirmation of self-declaration Accredited certification 3 years!
Comments & Discussion
Thanks! Martin Baxter IEMA Chief Policy Advisor @mbaxteriema