Basic examples of setting simulations European Communications Office Stella Lyubchenko (ECO) June 2013 EUROPEAN COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Nansensgade 19 DK-1366 Copenhagen Denmark Telephone: Telefax: Web Site:
SEAMCAT workshopPage 2 Outline How is the dRSS calculated? How is the iRSS calculated? How to calculate the Probability of interference?
SEAMCAT workshopPage 3 Define Victim Link Receiver (VLR) Operating frequency Receiver bandwidth Antenna Characteristics Interference criteria Noise floor Define Victim Link Transmitter (VLT) Tx power Antenna characteristics Position the VLT vs VLR You will learn how to... Calculate the dRSS ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Launch simulation Extract dRSS vectors ✓ ✓
SEAMCAT workshopPage 4 SEAMCAT scenario Victim Link Transmitter (VLT) Victim Link Receiver (VLR) Interfering Link Receiver (ILR) Interfering Link Transmitter (ILT) dRSS iRSS Victim link Interfering link
SEAMCAT workshopPage 5 Victim Link Victim link Transmitter (VLT) Victim Link Receiver (VLR) dRSS Victim link
SEAMCAT workshopPage 6 Define Victim frequency
SEAMCAT workshopPage 7 Define Victim Link Receiver (VLR)
SEAMCAT workshopPage 8 Define Victim Link Transmitter (VLT) 1 3 2
SEAMCAT workshopPage 9 Position of the VLT to the VLR (1/2) Uncorrelated cases mode User-defined Radius Correlated cases mode Correlated distance (origin = VLT) Noise limited Network Traffic limited Network VLT ↔ VLR location
SEAMCAT workshopPage 10 Position of the VLT Victim Link Transmitter (VLT) Victim Link Receiver (VLR) dRSS Victim link (0,0) (2 km,2 km) Delta X = 2 km Delta Y = 2 km x y... and propagation model
SEAMCAT workshopPage 11 Calculation of the dRSS using Free space dRSS = Pe+Ge+Gr-L dRSS = 30(dBm)+9 (dBi)+9 (dBi) (dB) dRSS = -53.5dBm L = log(8)+20log(1000)) L = dB
SEAMCAT workshopPage 12 Launch simulation OR OR Ctrl + E
SEAMCAT workshopPage 13 Extract dRSS Before running the simulation After running the simulation simulation results
SEAMCAT workshopPage 14 Simulation Outline An overview of results
SEAMCAT workshopPage 15 Simulation Results - dRSS Name of the vector Double click on this line to get the vector Unit Type: - Vector - Double - Integer… Type: - Vector - Double - Integer…
SEAMCAT workshopPage 16 Calculation of dRSS dRSS = Pe+Ge+Gr-L dRSS = 30(dBm)+9 (dBi)+9 (dBi) (dB) dRSS = dBm
SEAMCAT workshopPage 17 Coverage Radius (Position of the VLR to VLT) and (Position of the ILR to ILT)
SEAMCAT workshopPage 18 iRSS calculation You will learn how to... Position the VLR vs ILT (Simulation Radius) ✓ Calculate the iRSS ✓ Define Interfering Link Transmitter (ILT) Tx power Antenna Characteristics Set the emission bandwidth ✓
SEAMCAT workshopPage 19 SEAMCAT scenario
SEAMCAT workshopPage 20 Interfering Link Create as many interfering links as you need: Add, Duplicate, Delete, Multiple generation
SEAMCAT workshopPage 21 iRSS
SEAMCAT workshopPage 22 Interfering Frequency
SEAMCAT workshopPage 23 Position of the Victim to Interferer Uncorrelated mode None (n active interferers) ILT /VLR Correlated mode ILT /VLT ILR /VLR ILR/VLT Uniform density (n active interferers) Closest (single interferer) VLR/VLT ↔ ILR/ILT location Simulation radius
SEAMCAT workshopPage 24 Position of the VLR vs ILT Victim Link Receiver (VLR) Interfering Link Receiver (ILR) Interfering Link Transmitter (ILT) Victim link Transmitter (VLT) dRSS iRSS Victim link Interfering link Delta X = 4 km Delta Y = 4 km
SEAMCAT workshopPage 25 iRSS unwanted: co-channel iRSS = Pe+Ge+Gr-L iRSS = 33(dBm)+11 (dBi)+9 (dBi)-( log(32)+20log(1000)) iRSS = -54.5dBm P(dBm/Bref) = Pe (dBm)+Att(dBc/Bref) 33 (dBm/200KHz) = (dBc/Bref)
SEAMCAT workshopPage 26 Modify the SEM P = 33 +(–23(dBc/Bref)) = 10 (dBm/200kHz) Change the ILT frequency to MHz Change the SEM as follow:
SEAMCAT workshopPage 27 iRSS unwanted: adjacent channel iRSS unwanted calculate the interfering power received by the Victim receiver within its bandwidth In this example there is no bandwidth correction factor to be applied to the calculation of the iRSS unwanted since the Vr bandwidth and the It reference bandwidth have the same value (i.e. 200 KHz). Unwanted: f Vr f It Interfering emission mask Rx bandwidth iRSSunwanted = P+Ge+Gr-L iRSSunwanted = 10(dBm/200kHz) ( log(32)+20log(1000)) iRSSunwanted = -77.5dBm
SEAMCAT workshopPage 28 Simulation Radius (Position of the VLR to ILT)
SEAMCAT workshopPage 29 Calculate iRSS blocking Change the blocking mask as follow: f VLR f ILT
SEAMCAT workshopPage 30 User-define Mode User-defined mode: – iRSS blocking (fit) = Pe+Ge+Gr-L-Att (f it ) – iRSS blocking = 33(dBm)+11+9-( log(32)+20log(1000))- 40(dB) – iRSS blocking = -94.5dBm The It bandwidth is not considered in the iRSS blocking calculation) Blocking: f Vr Receiver Mask f It Rx bandwidth Rejection of the receiver
SEAMCAT workshopPage 31 Sensitivity Mode Sensitivity mode: – Attenuation(f) = block(f) [dBm] – sens vr [dBm] + C/(N+I) [dB] - I/N [dB] – Sensitivity= sens vr = Noise Floor + C/(N+I) – sens vr = -110dBm + 16 = -94dBm – Attenuation (f ) = 40-(-94)+16-0= 150dB – iRSS blocking (Fit) = Pe+Ge+Gr-L-Att (F it ) – iRSS blocking = = dBm
SEAMCAT workshopPage 32 Protection Ratio Protection Ratio: – Attenuation(f) = block(f) [dBm] + C/(N+I) [dB] + (N+I)/N [dB] - I/N [dB] – Attenuation(f) = = 59 dB – iRSS blocking (fit) = Pe+Ge+Gr-L-Att (f it ) – iRSS blocking = = dBm
SEAMCAT workshopPage 33 Probability of interference You will learn how to... Compatibility calculation mode ✓ Extract the Probability of Interference in.... ✓ Translation calculation mode ✓
SEAMCAT workshopPage 34 Probability of interference – Calculation mode: compatibility or translation – Which type of interference signal is considered for calculation: unwanted, blocking, intermodulation or their combination – Interference criterion: C/I, C/(N+I), (N+I)/N or I/N
SEAMCAT workshopPage 35 Compatibility calculation mode the C/I (i.e. dRSS/iRSS) can be derived: – dRSS/iRSS = (-54.5) = 1dB Make sure that dRSS>sensitivity
SEAMCAT workshopPage 36 Translation calculation mode Low interfering Tx power results in no interference (P=0%) Gradual increase in the ILT power resulting in increase of P% ILT power is high enough to result in P=100%
SEAMCAT workshopPage 37 Probability of interference (1/2) For the unwanted mode, the C/I can be derived as: – dRSS/iRSS unwanted = (-77.5) = 24dB Since the resulting C/I is above the protection criteria (19 dB), the probability of interference is 0 It is also possible to derive the (N+I)/N= (-110)= 32.5 (since I>>N). Since the (I+N)/N which is obtained is above the protection criteria (3dB), the probability of interference is 1
SEAMCAT workshopPage 38 Probability of interference (2/2) For the blocking mode, the C/I can be derived as: – dRSS/iRSS blocking = (-113.5) = 60dB Since the resulting C/I is above the protection criteria (19 dB), the probability of interference is 0 It is also possible to derive the (N+I)/N= (-110)= Since the (I+N)/N which is obtained is below the protection criteria (3dB), the probability of interference is 0
SEAMCAT workshopPage 39 Calculations in – 2500 MHz band between healthcare facility MBANS (VLR) and LTE UL (ILT) Victim characteristicsUnitsMBANS Receiver bandwidthMHz3 Receiver noise figuredB10 Receiver antenna heightm1.5 Receiver antenna gaindBi0 Operating frequencyMHz N, receiver thermal noisedBm-99.1 I/N objectivedB0 Interferer’s characteristics LTE UL e.i.r.pdBm23 BandwidthMHz10 BW correction factor 10 MHzdB-5.2 NFD (adjacent band interf)dB-30 Wall attenuationdB0 Antenna heightm1.5 Minimum path lossdB92.9 Interference distance FSL modelkm0.42 See workspace
SEAMCAT workshopPage 40 Thank you - Any Questions?