LESSON OBJECTIVES Be able to define some learning technology terms Be able to use learning technology To be able to describe flipped learning Be able to list and describe possible learning technology.
HOW OFTEN DO YOU USE TECHNOLOGY? In you classroom how often do you use technology in the classroom? What have you used? You have 3 minutes to come up with an honest answer.
LEARNING TECHNOLOGY TERMS VLE – Virtual Learning Environment Allows resources to be shared Provide online learning Idea sharing Quizzes and tracking. E.g. Moodle, Blackboard
LEARNING TECHNOLOGY TERMS Wiki Editable and sharable webpage used for collaboration Blogs Short for web log Online journal
LEARNING TECHNOLOGY TERMS Podcast Audio recording that is usually subscribed too. E-Portfolio Electronic evidence and tracking. Usually controlled user. MOOC Massive open online course
LEARNING TECHNOLOGY TERMS Screencast A recording process on a screen that includes video and audio Blended Learning A mix of contact and online sessions
TECHNOLOGY QUIZ On you laptop go to: Click on student login Join the following classroom
SIGNING UP FOR SOCRATIVE Click on teacher login Click on create account Enter you address and password Have a look through the demo to see how it works. I will then demonstrate how to create a simple quiz.
FLIPPED LEARNING What is Flipped Learning? A reversed teaching method that embraces technology mbedded&v=4a7NbUIr_iQ mbedded&v=4a7NbUIr_iQ
FLIPPED LEARNING - DEFINITION Definition “Flipped Learning ‘flips’ the less demanding note- taking tasks out of the class room to form homework task and reserves s the classroom for a mixture of individual, paired and group tasks to discuss and apply” B.Lightbody 2011
FLIPPED LEARNING – IS IT NEW? Most tutors are already using flipped learning Home work can be classed as flipped learning The use of technology is a newer concept
FLIPPED PROCESS Question Add a task or question for home work Provide An online resource for learner Follow up Deeper learning in classroom Not just imparting knowledge
TECHNOLOGY USED IN FLIP LEARNING VLE Video Screen Casts E-Books Web pages Podcast
FLIPPED LEARNING TASK Go back to the link on my website and navigate to task 2. We will be using Google docs for this one. Half of you will be coming up with bad points to flipped learning other half good points.
HOW TO SET UP A COLLABORATIVE DOCUMENT - GOOGLE I will demonstrate on the board how to set this up. In order to set this up for yourself you would need a Google docs account
WALLWISHER Online post-it wall Doesn’t require a login Can be used for Noticeboards Brainstorm Checking learning
SCREEN CASTING - SCREENR Share screen process of a task Audio can be added Simple and easy to use Plays on most devices
LESSON CONCLUSION You should be able too : - Define some learning technology terms Use some learning technology To be able to describe flipped learning List and describe possible learning technology. Final Task Go back to the word press site to complete task 3.