MAT 1236 Calculus III Appendix E Sigma Notations + Maple Lab
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Summation Notation
Review: Sigma Notation (Summation) Final value (upper limit) Initial value (lower limit) Index
Example 0 Indices are “dummy”
Summation Q: Can you name one place in Calculus II where we use the summation notation?
Theorem Finite limits
Common Formulas
Example 1 (Telescoping Sum)
Index Shifting Sigma representation of a summation is not unique
Index Shifting Sigma representation of a summation is not unique
Index Shifting Sigma representation of a summation is not unique
Index Shifting Sigma representation of a summation is not unique
Index Shifting Rules
decrease the index by 1
Index Shifting Rules increase the index by 1
Example 2 Rewrite such that the lower limit is 0
Example 1 Revisit Using “+…+” is ambiguous. We would like to avoid these kind of notations.
Expectations Avoid “+…+” by using summations Break up the summations before canceling.
Maple Lab 11.2 Explore and understand the convergence of a series some examples of standard series
Example 1