Higgs branching ratios study for DBD ILC physics WG general meeting Jan H. Ono (NDU) Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 1
Detailed Baseline Design document publication is on- going Physics chapter – Demonstrate performance of Higgs measurement in ILC – 250 to 1 TeV with possible decay channels Update h WW* analysis at 250 GeV (right left beam pol) Detector chapter (detector benchmarking process) – 1 TeV decaying into bb, cc, gg, WW* – sigma*BRs are evaluated Higgs BR study in DBD Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 2
Higgs BR study at 1 TeV (DBD) Jan ILC physics WG general meeting Higgs mainly produced via e + e - ν e ν e h (WW-fusion) h bb, cc, gg (two jets) h WW * (four jets via hadronic decay) h μμ (dilepton) C. Constantino (KEK) 3 Ecm=1 TeV Luminosity: L=1 ab -1 (500 fb -1 both pol.) Beam polarization P(e -, e + )=(0.8, 0.2) γγ hadron BG is overlaid (4 event/BX) Ecm=1 TeV Luminosity: L=1 ab -1 (500 fb -1 both pol.) Beam polarization P(e -, e + )=(0.8, 0.2) γγ hadron BG is overlaid (4 event/BX) Larger cross section than GeV Statistical gain (xsec and luminosity) Measure smaller BR channels
ΥΥ hadron background treatment Jan ILC physics WG general meeting Higgs dijet rec. with γγ hadron BG 1.Apply k t two jet clustering 2.Use only jet associated PFOs 3.Reapply flavor tagging and jet clustering with LCFIPlus 1.Apply k t two jet clustering 2.Use only jet associated PFOs 3.Reapply flavor tagging and jet clustering with LCFIPlus 4 Beam related particle (4.1 event/BX) is treated with k t jet clustering (commonly used in hadron collider study) Jet reconstruction procedure Optimize R parameter used in k t algorithm Check Higgs reconstruction and BG reduction with γγ BG overlay Select R=1.1 for 2 jet reconstruction
Cuts for h bb, cc, gg 1 TeV Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 5 1.Visible energy: 40 < E vis < 450 GeV 2.Transverse momentum: P T >20 GeV 3.Longitudinal momentum: |P Z |<400 GeV 4.# of PFOs: N PFOs >20 5.|cosθ h |< Dijet mass: 110<Mh<150 GeV After all cuts, flavor template fitting is applied
h bb, cc, gg template fitting analysis Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 6 After the cuts, prepare flavor templates of signals and BGs h bbh cc h othersSM BGsData N data is fluctuated wit Poisson 5,000 times of Toy MC is applied to evaluate the accuracy of σBR r xx =σBR/σBR SM (h xx) N data =Σr xx *N template (h xx)+N BG (r xx is a fitted parameter) Signal templates BG templates h gg
h bb, cc, gg hadronic 1 TeV Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 7 Flavor template for h bb, cc, gg and others are prepared Template fitting is performed to evaluate accuracy of σBR Higgs mass with B-tagging (h bb) Fitted r bb, r cc, r gg L=500 fb -1 and 1 ab -1 P(-0.8, +0.2) r bb r cc r gg
1.Apply forced four jet clustering with k t jet clustering (R=1.1) 2.Apply flavor tag for jet associated particles with LCFIPlus 3.Jet clustering and paring for W 1, W 2 (W 1 is on-shell with J 1, J 2 ) 4.Select best candidate with minimizing χ 2 h WW* 1 TeV Jan ILC physics WG general meeting h WW * (one on-shell W) from Higgs decay h WW * qqqq fully hadronic decay channel is considered h W1W1 W2W2 8 L=500 fb -1, 1 ab -1 (e -,e + )=(-0.8, +0.2)
h WW* background reduction Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 9 Btag sum N pfos Remove h bb Remove leptonic -Log 10 Y 34 On-shell W mass Off-shell W mass -Log 10 Y 45 Remove di-jets
h WW* 4j reconstruction Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 10 Significance=46.2 ΔσBR/σBR = 2.2% L=500 fb -1 (e -,e + )=(-0.8, +0.2)
Beam polarization effect P(e-,e+)=P L (-0.8, +0.2) and P R (+0.8, -0.2) Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 11 Statistical gain at higher energy Decrease ee vvh WW-fusion production process eL(-0.8,+0.2) eR(+0.8,-0.2) Same cut and strategy are applied for right-handed case eR(+0.8, -0.2)
Summary of Higgs BR study at 1 TeV Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 12 E cm =1 TeV, L=500 fb -1, and 1 ab -1 (e -, e + )=(-0.8, +0.2), M h =125 GeV ΔσBR/σBR Luminosity500 fb -1 1ab -1 P(e-, e+)(-0.8, +0.2) h bb 0.45%0.33% h cc 4.4%3.1% h gg 3.2%2.2% h WW* 2.2%1.5% ΔσBR/σBR Luminosity500 fb L +500 R P(e-,e+) (- 0.8,+0.2) (+0.8, - 0.2)Combined h bb 0.45%1.6%0.43% h cc 4.4%17.3%4.3% h gg 3.2%13.8%3.1% h WW* 2.2%10.1%2.1% Left-handed only Left/Right-handed combined Left-handed beam polarization run is suitable at 1 TeV for Higgs analysis point of view
h WW* at 250 GeV Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 13
H WW* 250 GeV Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 14 Z W1W1 W2W2 lepton + 4 jet final state H 4 jet final state W1W1 W2W2 H Z Zh vvWW* vv+qqqq Zh qqWW* qq+lvqq E cm =250 GeV, L=250 fb -1, Mh=120 GeV (LOI samples) Previous study only concerning right-handed polarization Check Left-handed beam polarization case to keep consistency with other channels P(-0.8, 250 GeV
1. Zh vvWW* 250 GeV, L=250 fb -1, M h =120 GeV Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 15 4 jet final state W1W1 W2W2 H Z 1.Apply forced four-jets clustering 2.Require one on-shell W and 4 jets consistent with Higgs 3.Minimum 2 pair as best candidate Main background H bb, WW, ZZ
Cut variables Zh vvWW* vv+qqqq 1.115<E vis <150 GeV (vvh channel) 2.20<P t <90 GeV 3.|P l |<60 GeV 4.85<Missing mass<150 GeV (M miss ~M Z ) 5.Nchdtrk>20 (4 jet finale state) 6.ConeE jet /E jet <0.9 (Remove isolated leptons) 7.Sum(W j Bag)<1.0 (h bb suppression) 8.b-likeness 2j <0.45 (h bb suppression) 9.Sum(Y34_j)<10 (h others suppression) 10.65<M w1 <95 GeV (On-shell W mass) <M h <130 GeV Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 16
Cut variables to suppress BGs Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 17 ConeE<E jet E jet coneE~E jet ConeE leptonic channel Cone angle = 5 degree -Log 10 (Y34) sum for 4j Btag sum for 4jConeE jet /E jet
Reconstructed Higgs mass Zh vvWW* vv+qqqq Signal significance=8.2 ΔσBR/σBR=12.3% eL(-0.8, +0.3) Signal significance=10.6 ΔσBR/σBR=9.5% eR(+0.8, -0.3) Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 18 E cm =250 GeV, L=250 fb -1, M h =120 GeV Higgs mass (GeV)
2. Zh qqWW* 250 GeV, L=250 fb -1, M h =120 GeV Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 19 Z W1W1 W2W2 lepton + 4 jet final state H 1.Find one-isolated lepton 1.Isolated track finding 2.lepton identification 2.Remove one-isolated lepton 3.Four-jets clustering to remaining s One on-shell W (W lv, W qq) M jj ~M Z and M 4j ~M H 4.Minimum 2 combination ( 2 lv, 2 qq ) q H =q ww =q cm -q z q mis =q cm -q all q W lv = q mis +q l
H WW* lvqq reconstruction Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 20 H WW lvqq H WW qqqq H Others M W lv M W jj Reconstruct as one-isolated lepton+4 jet Mass correlation of Z qq + WW lvqq, M w lv, M w qq (M W lv =M(q lep +q mis )) Require W lv on-shell to suppress h others and qqqq backgrounds
h WW* lvqq selection (Require W lv is on-shell) 65<M wlv <110 GeV, 10<M wqq <50 GeV 1.10 < P T < 80 GeV 2.|P Z | < 50 GeV 3.N PFO > 60 (Remove leptonic channel) 4.Thrust < Thrust_minor > Log 10 Y 34 < χ 2 W <60 (Suppress WW vlqq BGs) 8.65 < E wlv < 110 GeV (Suppres vlqq BGs) 9.80 < M Z < 100 GeV (Suppress WW BGs) 10.Missing mass <50 GeV (vlqq and qq suppress) <M h <140 GeV Zh qqWW* 250 GeV, L=250 fb -1, M h =120 GeV Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 21
Reconstructed Higgs mass distribution Zh qqWW* qq+vlqq Signal significance=9.4 ΔσBR/σBR=10.7% eL(-0.8, +0.3) Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 22 eR(+0.8, -0.3) Signal significance=10.6 ΔσBR/σBR=9.6% Higgs mass (GeV) E cm =250 GeV, L=250 fb -1, M h =120 GeV
h GeV summary eL(-0.8,+0.3) Zh vvWW vv+4j Zh qqWW qq+lvqqCombined Significance ΔσBR/σBR12.3%10.7%8.1% eR(+0.8,-0.3) Zh vvWW vv+4j Zh qqWW qq+lvqqCombined Significance ΔσBR/σBR9.5%9.6%6.8% Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 23 h WW* 250 GeV, L=250 fb -1, M h =120GeV Zh vvWW* vv+qqqq Zh qqWW* qq+vlqq
Higgs BRs summary table Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 24 ModeΔσBR/σBR Ecm250 GeV350 GeV500 GeV1 TeV Luminosity250 fb fb -1 Mh120 GeV 125 GeV P(e-, e+)P(-0.8, +0.3) P(-0.8, +0.2) h bb1.0% 0.57% 0.45% h cc6.9% 6.2% 5.2% 4.4% h gg8.5% 7.3% 5.0% 3.2% h WW*8.1%3.0% 2.2% h ττ4.2% Current available results are summarized with all full simulation Zh or vvh (fusion) is different at the CM energy
Performance of “Possible BR decays” should be shown to demonstrate the potential of ILC measurement – DBD physics chapter and summary 1 TeV benchmark study is now on-going – Summarize to LC note Several studies should be continue – Different Ecm, Mh=125 GeV – h ZZ* (I studied but now pending…) should be done. Conclusion Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 25
BACKUP Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 26
Zh vvWW* vv+4j GeV L=250 fb -1 Signal significance=8.2 Remaining BGs are h others and vlqq h WW* 4 jh othernlqqnnqqllqqnnllqqqqllllqq Gen1,25318,106 4,114, , ,32 4 1,113,08 0 4,048, , ,353, ,20912,882824,23290,39012,872178,5341,29030,303 17,518, ,11411,852667,18781,5613,109148,398521,43225,382 31,07211,391417,93950,3742,381118, , ,509241,20746,7591,71199, , ,40985,95019, , ,93020,65613, , ,64819,80210, , ,45819,66110, , ,6773, ,2191, , Eff44.5%2.6%0.1%0.2%0.0% Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 27
Zh vvWW* vv+4j 250 GeV L=250 fb -1 h WW* 4 jh othernlqqnnqqllqqnnllqqqqllllqq Gen6789, , , , , , , ,270, ,16665,711 39,32 89,54917, ,766 11,838, ,64953,589 35,46 41,77513,752141,12113, ,48231,917 21,27 71,3079, , ,17217,685 19, , , ,3376,2808, , ,4611,5255, ,4614, ,4514, , Eff48.0%2.8%0.1% 0.0% Signal significance=10.6 Remaining BGs are h others and vlqq Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 28
Zh qqWW* qq+vlqq 250 GeV, L=250 fb -1, M h =120 GeV Signal significance=9.5 qqWW qq+vlqq h othe rnlqqnnqqllqqqqqqnnllllllqq Ge n3,28149,2264,111,390149,979380,4184,048,3901,110,910714,946 35,353,30 0 Sel1,1531,5071,214,80015,58424,74117,49528,01236,4723,383,300 11,1001,3411,080,96013,1458,1412,71825,9944,886161,716 21,0381,255730,0754,6406,1862,22820,5333,73441, , , , , ,803003, , ,770002, , ,670001, , ,523001, , ,511001, , Eff18.1%0.7%0.0% 0.1%0.2%0.0% Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 29
Zh qqWW* qq+vlqq 250 GeV, L=250 fb -1, M h =120 GeV qqWW qqlvqqh->othernlqqnnqqllqqqqqqnnllllllqq Gen2,20033,201289,79163,649282,728378,726101,654611,72322,270,700 Sel7751,03587,8737,01016,6932,3842,02930,8022,238, ,4255,8554, ,8423,84892, ,8321,9593, ,3612,94418, , , , , , , , Eff18.7%0.8%0.0% 0.1%0.5%0.0% Signal significance=10.4 Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 30
Lepton ID for W lv with CAL information Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 31 H WW* mu vqq H WW* e vqq H WW* tau vqq H WW* qqqq H others e mu e MuID: E total /P < 0.6, E ecal /E total <0.5 eID: MuID: E total /P < 0.6, E ecal /E total <0.5 eID:
One-isolated lepton for W lv Jan ILC physics WG general meeting 32 E_tkr E_Cone H WW lvqq H WW qqqq H Others E_trk E_cone E PFO >√(E cone +10) && E PFO <90-9/7.5*E cone Find isolated lepton from charged tracks (E trk vs E cone (5 degree)) Apply lepton ID with CAL information