Management Information system 산업경영공학과 조민근 산업경영공학과 김홍건 산업경영공학과 최영훈 MIS Term-Project E-Commerce
Contents 1. Definition and Concept of EC 2. EC Market Situation 3. Successful case of EC 4. Problems and Future of EC
E-Commerce Definition of EC What is e-Commerce? Every commercial transaction and its supporting action in cyber space.
E-Commerce Traditional commerce vs E-commerce Traditional commerceE-commerce Capable of having a guarantee of trust Difficult to have trust between buyer and seller Adjust the price of goods on the spot Needed special devices for adjustment of price Instant payment for purchase Purchase by using credit card or digital cash
E-Commerce Background of EC Growth of internet [Korea Internet Information Center] ten thousand
E-Commerce Classification of EC (1/2) Transaction Type C2C B2C B2B B2C B2G C2G
E-Commerce Classification of EC (2/2) Site Connecting Method M-Commerce Cable EC Network Wireless Stationary
E-Commerce Element of EC Institution Network Process EC Government, Producer, Retailer, Customer, Supplier… Order Processing, Marketing, Sales, Customer Service… Intranet, Extranet, Internet…
E-Commerce Market Situation (1/5) Increasing commercial possibilities [Korean e-commerce standard research center]
E-Commerce Market Situation (2/5) Highly positive prospects Expected 2006 worldwide profit: $6501 billion B2C – CRM B2B – SCM, over 80% market share [National Statistical Office, 2003]
E-Commerce Market Situation (3/5) Market Situation of Foreign Country America: Private organization centered EC Government: Law, Policy, Fund, etc. Private: Economic/technical aspect
E-Commerce Market Situation (4/5) Market Situation of Foreign Country Japan: Government centered EC Government: Standardization, Technical development Inducting private participation
E-Commerce Market Situation (5/5) Market Situation of Korea Korea: private organization centered EC with government’s political support Government: Industrial informationalization project Private: develop application technology and standard
E-Commerce Successful Case of EC (1/4) eBay Concept of cyber auction Cyber auction site ( Seller 구매자 A Buyer A 구매자 B Buyer B 구매자 C Buyer C ‚ Bidding „ Notifying the Bidder Remittance Deilivery „ Notifying the bidder Decide a bidder Enroll products ‚ Bidding
E-Commerce Successful Case of EC (2/4) eBay C2C
E-Commerce Successful Case of EC (3/4) eBay Regulation & security system personal key public key
E-Commerce Successful Case of EC (4/4) eBay CRM (Community) News Chat Information Personal data management
E-Commerce Using agent and more efficient search engine Problem of E-commerce Improved encoding technology Security Problem Text 3 Application of one-to-one marketing Traditional Marketing Strategy Flood of Informatio n Problem
E-Commerce Future of EC Rapid expansion of internet network Improved Infrastructure Combination of Various contents Positive
E-Commerce Thank you Thank you for listening