“Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill…” “Have faith and you can move mountains…”


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Presentation transcript:

“Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill…” “Have faith and you can move mountains…”

Nick Vujicic

No Arms, No Legs, No Worries Nick Vujicic

‘Feel the fear and do it anyway...’


So what? Help me then! FEAR? F alse E xpectations A ppearing R eal

Images  Thoughts are images  You control the image/ movie  Black or white? Colourful?  Small or large?

Listening?  I’m no good at drawing!  I cant do maths!  She won’t fancy me! Why do you listen to this voice? - Vandalised room- paint it - Rubbish image or movie in your head- change it

How? Say hello to my inner voice Beliefs determine how you act.

Find solutions If you were drowning what question would you ask?

Find solutions If you were drowning what question would you ask? I hope you didn’t ask why? I hope you asked HOW can I get out of this!

Motivated Ask yourself some of these questions What do I need to do more of to reach my goal? (helps if you have one!) What do I need to do less of? What do I need to stop doing to reach my goal? What do I need to begin to do? How can I change? What will I be like when I change?