By: Emma Ross
When I was ten I saw a girl’s horse fall on top of her, crushing her leg and hip. Half an hour later she was taken to the hospital. Over a year ago I fell off my horse for the first time. I had a horseback riding lesson at the barn. I was riding a brown and white horse named Hannah. I remember riding up to the jump, I could feel my horse growing slower. However, I didn’t think anything of it at the time until the horse did a rough stop in front of the jump. I must have been leaning forward because I flew up into the air like a person being shoot from a canon. I clenched the reins as hard as I possibly could, that back fired, the reins slingshot over the horse’s head with me attached to the other end. There was a sudden pull on the reins, I could feel the reins slipping through my fingers as they ripped off my skin, all of sudden I ended up face first in the dirt. I spit the bitter taste of dirt out of my mouth. I could hear the sounds of my instructor asking “are you okay.” I got up on to my knees and said “I’m fine,” looking up at my horse who was looking down at me. I picked the reins up and slowly made my way off the ground. I walked over to my instructor and couldn’t help but laugh about my pounding head. After a few minutes I found myself back in the saddle and making my way over the jump. When it comes to riding you have two options, either go to the hospital or get back in the saddle. (This is me)
Two days later I was back on the same horse, heading to the same jump and BAM, again I was flying into the air this time like a gymnast doing a front flip, the only difference was that I was not going to be landing it. I went hurtling down on to my back, landing straight on top of the jump. It was just poles lying on the ground after I had finished with it. There was a ghastly smell of horse breath in the air, as I looked up and saw my horse’s giant head over top of me, checking to see if I was okay. I got up, walked over to my instructor and got right back on. My back was in sudden piercing pain from the jump that broke my fall. After that I was able to get over the jump. (Not Me)
I have never taken a horrible fall which ended me up in the hospital, however I still know the feeling of being 6 feet off the ground and then a second later your face first in the soft dirt. Every time you get into the saddle there’s a risk of falling off or even being killed. Never giving up was the most important thing I took away from these experiences. Instead of letting the fear climb it’s way into my head, I got back on and went over that jump. Even though I had been thrown off twice in three days, it still didn’t give me a reason to give up something that I loved to do. It showed me to think for a minutes and realize what I did wrong, then to forget about and face my fears. The second you get past your fear there’s an incredible feeling like you just won an Olympic medal. (This is me)