GBC Lesson Plan From the “Thermal” Group
Our Topic: Packaging of Products
Lesson Objective Students will be aware of wastefulness vs. necessity in packaging Students will be able to identify different types of packaging as recyclable, more/less wasteful, etc.
Have students bring in examples of packaged products from home, in particular, ones that they may consider as being “wasteful” The teacher can provide other examples of products and/or pictures of large items (i.e. cardboard and styrofoam boards around a big TV) “Before” Collect Examples of Packaged Products
View multiple examples of different types of packaging (plastic, cardboard, packing peanuts, air bags, food packaging, etc.) Calculate the ratio of product vs. packaging by measuring surface area, volume, and/or density Sort packaging materials into paper, plastic, styrofoam, other, etc. “During” Examine Packaged Products
How efficient or wasteful is the packaging? Give evidence/criteria that describes the packaging as excessive or efficient How is packaging necessary for this particular product? Are the packaging materials recyclable? “After” Analyze Results
Suggested Extension Activities Create a presentation to convey their findings Re-engineer packaging design to use recyclable materials and be less wasteful Write to companies, identifying wastefulness in packaging and expressing desire to have less wasteful products Start a recycling program at home/school Engineerin g ELA ELA and Technology Community Service