The Evolution of Behaviour Change Programmes. Bringing it North, Taking it South – What we learnt from English Sustainable Travel Towns; What we have to teach about Local Sustainable Travel Dumfries Conference 20th November 2012 Martin Higgitt & Nicola Scott
Dumfries Conference 20th November 2012 Martin Higgitt & Nicola Scott Wot we learnt
GoSmart Dumfries 3
The GoSmart Brand 4
Personal Travel Planning JMP commissioned to deliver PTP: Target minimum 12,500 households over two summers Engage minimum 5,000 households 5
Bringing it North 6 Understanding of behaviour change & social marketing Inbuilt into method Face to face engagement Delivered by locally recruited and trained team
Bringing it North: Project set up
9 Bringing it North: Recruitment
10 Bringing it North: Targeting
11 Bringing it North: Community stalls
12 Bringing it North: Community events
13 Bringing it North: Community Groups
PTP Results 14 16,584 households targeted 33% above target 6,872 participants 37% above target 1,206 participants at events 18% of participants 5,182 GoSmart Travel Club members 5,619 challenges issued 14% challenges returned 56% suggested they completed challenge Customer satisfaction 99% satisfaction with service provided 98% rating quality of information as good or very good
PTP Results 15 508 after-care surveys showed changes in walking, cycling, bus and car use: 81 mins per week walking 78 mins per week cycling 56 mins per week bus use 22 miles per week less car use 85% brand recognition
Taking it South: branding and marketing 16
Some people not engaging at door happy to engage at events You come to an event on your own terms at your own time Integrates into community High footfall / awareness building / trust building Taking it south: Community events 17
Community events: Go Bike in the Park 18
Taking it South: Community groups 19 Identify and contact broad range of community groups Offer menu of participation options Identify and use “gate-keepers”
Taking it South: action oriented Activities at events Challenges, incentives and rewards Community group challenge 20
Taking it South: action oriented
Taking it South: individuals’ capacity to engage 22 How much involvement do people want? Some people want more than we offer Although, many of our ‘champions’ are ‘serial volunteers’
23 Taking it South: individuals’ capacity to engage
Taking it South a fantastic team 24
Creating a legacy: GoSmart Lockerbie 6-month extension to the GoSmart Dumfries project Nicola retained to deliver project, with occasional help from some of previous travel advisors and Dumfries and Galloway Council staff Rationale was to interact with residents in Lockerbie about their travel options under the GoSmart Lockerbie banner Launch event was arranged in Lockerbie to publicise the project Workplaces were also targeted in Dumfries
Activities No residential door-knocking: focus on local community engagements Residents informed about project through leaflets Key points in the community such as library and town hall chosen to host ‘GoSmart Travel Hubs’ Big focus on schools Utilised local media channels such as newspapers and postering in shops 26
Results Scottish Government target of 1000 new households in Lockerbie to be engaged with Exceeded this target by engaging with 1028 individuals Range of community groups and schools took part in GoSmart Lockerbie Two workplaces in Dumfries completed travel plans 28
Results 29
Lessons Learned Small scale PTP can be effective Brand awareness is critical Importance of using local knowledge and community hubs to engage Sustainable travel can be promoted through schools in a variety of ways Leaflet drops without personal engagement do not give high returns of participation Workplace engagement takes longer to establish 30
Creating a legacy through t’internet