90 Version 1.0.0
Foreword Hello there! On behalf of the League of Champions, let me say a big congratulations and welcome to you on your decision to better your health and wealth. This decision will undoubtedly lead to a very exciting and rewarding journey for you, full of growth and surprise. We hope you are as excited as we are to help you get started ASAP. This booklet aims to get you past the tough first 90 days of your business journey. It will give you a detailed checklist of tasks to be completed, as well as a worksheet for each week to help you take note of your growth and development as an entrepreneur. Remember, you are the CEO of your business now, so it is your responsibility to complete this booklet to the best of your ability. You are competing with no one except for yourself, be the best you can be! If you have any questions, if you require help, it is your responsibility to seek help from the mentors within your business. Oh, and if you do well, not only will you be able to earn money within your first 90 days of your business, you may even be voted to be our next Rookie of the Season – a prestigious award to our most impressive Rookie of every quarter. All the best of luck with your business, and I look forward to working with you! Blessings, Louie Qu CEO and Founder, LOC Entrepreneurs Diamond Director USANA Health Sciences Million Dollar Club, AP Growth 25, Fortune 100 Former IDC Member
Week 1 Complete N.A.T within hours of signing up Complete N.B.T Start e-Apprentice Attendance LOC Feature Connect Group Corporate Training Make at least 3 appointments for Week 1 Appointment 1 Appointment 2 Appointment 3 Complete Week 1 Worksheet
Week 1 Worksheet GOALS Week 2Week 4Week 6Week 8Week 10Week 12International Convention End of the Year AP Convention What are my rank goals? Growth AppointmentsTrainingsReflections Positives about self Improvements Knowledge Activity Calls Made:Appointments Made:Sign Ups:New Contacts Added:
Week 2 Catch up with leader to review progress and Week 1 Worksheet Attendance LOC Feature Connect Group Corporate Training Complete e-Apprentice by this week Be able to tell the story behind USANA and background of the company, including major accolades of the company and Dr. Wentz Make at least 4 appointments for Week 2 Appointments 1, 2 Appointments 3, 4 Complete Week 2 Worksheet
Week 2 Worksheet Things I want to ask my leader: Discussion Topic: What do I like most about USANA and LOC? I must learn to understand that passion is what people will respond to, not fact or knowledge. Facts tell, stories sell. I need to find the thing(s) that excite me about USANA and LOC and then be able to demonstrate that! Growth AppointmentsTrainingsReflections Positives about self Improvements Knowledge Activity Calls Made:Appointments Made:Sign Ups:New Contacts Added:
Week 3 Catch up with leader to review progress and Week 2 Worksheet Attendance LOC Feature Connect Group Corporate Training Make at least 6 appointments for Week 3 Appointments 1, 2 Appointments 3, 4 Appointments 5, 6 At least make 10 cold market calls Start Passive Prospecting by setting up IG and Facebook marketing strategies (e.g. cover photos, profile photos, employment, tagged photo clean up, status updates etc.) Ensure AUTO-ORDER is set-up appropriately Complete Week 3 Worksheet
Week 3 Worksheet Things I want to ask my leader: Discussion Topic: Identity – What is the ultimate USANA/LOC Identity? Why is possessing and displaying this Identity so important? Discuss: Social Media display of this identity, healthy lifestyle, taking the supplements and promoting them, the importance of auto-order etc. Growth AppointmentsTrainingsReflections Positives about self Improvements Knowledge Activity Calls Made:Appointments Made:Sign Ups:New Contacts Added:
Week 4 Catch up with leader to review progress and Week 3 Worksheet Attendance LOC Feature Connect Group Corporate Training Learn about the products which may help with Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure – and why. Make at least 6 appointments for Week 4 Appointments 1, 2 Appointments 3, 4 Appointments 5, 6 Complete Week 4 Worksheet
Week 4 Worksheet Things I want to ask my leader: Discussion Topic: Why is duplication important in a network marketing business? What are the core values of L.O.C, and USANA? What can I do to duplicate this system? What may I be doing that will put this duplication at risk? Growth AppointmentsTrainingsReflections Positives about self Improvements Knowledge Activity Calls Made:Appointments Made:Sign Ups:New Contacts Added:
Week 5 Catch up with leader to review progress and Week 4 Worksheet Attendance LOC Feature Connect Group Corporate Training Develop own product/business testimony and start to compile it as new testimonies come Make at least 10 cold market calls Make at least 6 appointments for Week 5 Appointments 1, 2 Appointments 3, 4 Appointments 5, 6 Complete Week 5 Worksheet
Week 5 Worksheet Things I want to ask my leader: Discussion Topic: What are the WHY’s of my business partners? What can I do to better support them to reach their goals? How can I build and challenge them to become better people and more successful associates? Growth AppointmentsTrainingsReflections Positives about self Improvements Knowledge Activity Calls Made:Appointments Made:Sign Ups:New Contacts Added:
Week 6 Catch up with leader to review progress and Week 5 Worksheet Attendance LOC Feature Connect Group Corporate Training Hit Platinum Pacesetter this week Aim to create 2 more Platinum Pacesetters below you from this week to week 12 Make at least 10 appointments for Week 6 Appointments 1, 2, 3, 4 Appointments 5, 6, 7, 8 Appointments 9, 10 Complete Week 6 Worksheet
Week 6 Worksheet Things I want to ask my leader: Discussion Topic: It has been 6 weeks, what is my USANA/LOC story? What business/product testimonies do I have? What has my experiences been? Have I done everything asked of me? What changes do I want to make from now? Growth AppointmentsTrainingsReflections Positives about self Improvements Knowledge Activity Calls Made:Appointments Made:Sign Ups:New Contacts Added:
Week 7 Catch up with leader to review progress and Week 6 Worksheet Attendance LOC Feature Connect Group Corporate Training Make at least 10 cold market calls Make at least 6 appointments for Week 7 Appointments 1, 2 Appointments 3, 4 Appointments 5, 6 Complete Week 7 Worksheet
Week 7 Worksheet Things I want to ask my leader: Discussion Topic: What do I like most about my experiences so far? Have I been reflecting the IDENTITY I have established during week 1? How can I do this better? Growth AppointmentsTrainingsReflections Positives about self Improvements Knowledge Activity Calls Made:Appointments Made:Sign Ups:New Contacts Added:
Week 8 Catch up with leader to review progress and Week 7 Worksheet Attendance LOC Feature Connect Group Corporate Training Learn about how USANA products may assist people suffering from Diabetes and why Make at least 6 appointments for Week 8 Appointments 1, 2 Appointments 3, 4 Appointments 5, 6 Complete Week 8 Worksheet
Week 8 Worksheet Things I want to ask my leader: Discussion Topic: Time to do some research! Who is an USANA distributor that I really look up to? Do some research on this person, what did they do to become so successful? Do you possess the attitude and personal qualities of this person? What can you learn from them? Growth AppointmentsTrainingsReflections Positives about self Improvements Knowledge Activity Calls Made:Appointments Made:Sign Ups:New Contacts Added:
Week 9 Catch up with leader to review progress and Week 8 Worksheet Attendance LOC Feature Connect Group Corporate Training Make at least 10 cold market calls Make at least 6 appointments for Week 9 Appointments 1, 2 Appointments 3, 4 Appointments 5, 6 Complete Week 9 Worksheet
Week 9 Worksheet Things I want to ask my leader: Discussion Topic: Why is leadership so important for the USANA business? What do I think are the most important attributes to being a leader? How many of these do I possess and what can I do to become a better leader? Real leaders understand how to follow, how am I as a follower towards my own leaders? Growth AppointmentsTrainingsReflections Positives about self Improvements Knowledge Activity Calls Made:Appointments Made:Sign Ups:New Contacts Added:
Week 10 Catch up with leader to review progress and Week 9 Worksheet Attendance LOC Feature Connect Group Corporate Training Learn about how USANA products may assist with people with digestive problems and/or allergies Make at least 6 appointments for Week 10 Appointments 1, 2 Appointments 3, 4 Appointments 5, 6 Complete Week 10 Worksheet
Week 10 Worksheet Things I want to ask my leader: Discussion Topic: Review of marketing strategies. What am I doing to put myself on the MAP? How am I leveraging off my resources? Do I communicate with my cross-lines? Do I frequently ask questions? What else can I do to market myself better for the coming months? Growth AppointmentsTrainingsReflections Positives about self Improvements Knowledge Activity Calls Made:Appointments Made:Sign Ups:New Contacts Added:
Week 11 Catch up with leader to review progress and Week 10 Worksheet Attendance LOC Feature Connect Group Corporate Training Make at least 10 cold market calls Make at least 6 appointments for Week 11 Appointments 1, 2 Appointments 3, 4 Appointments 5, 6 Complete Week 11 Worksheet
Week 11 Worksheet Things I want to ask my leader: Discussion Topic: How far are my business partners from becoming Platinum Pacesetter? What can I do this week and next week to help them become Platinum Pacesetter? Growth AppointmentsTrainingsReflections Positives about self Improvements Knowledge Activity Calls Made:Appointments Made:Sign Ups:New Contacts Added:
Week 12 Catch up with leader to review progress and Week 11 Worksheet Attendance LOC Feature Connect Group Corporate Training Learn about how certain USANA products may help people with back problems, arthritis and osteoporosis, and why Create at least 2 more platinum pacesetters below you by the end of this week Make at least 6 appointments for Week 12 Appointments 1, 2 Appointments 3, 4 Appointments 5, 6 Complete Week 12 Worksheet
Week 12 Worksheet Things I want to ask my leader: Discussion Topic: What type of leader do you visualise yourself to be from this moment? What will you do for your team members to better assist them to complete this 90 day kick start? Growth AppointmentsTrainingsReflections Positives about self Improvements Knowledge Activity Calls Made:Appointments Made:Sign Ups:New Contacts Added: