In what state is the Everglades located?
In what part of Florida is the Everglades?
Everglades Wildlife
American Crocodile
Florida Panther
Green Anole
Pink Flamingos
Roseate Spoonbills
Lake Okeechobee
How large is Lake Okeechobee? The 4 th largest lake completely in the U.S. Covers 730 sq. mi. Or 1,890 sq. km. Average depth of only 3 m or 9 ft. Covers land in 5 Florida counties.
Air Boat
The Everglades From the Sky
Saw Grass
Limestone with Fossils
Calusas The Calusas lived on the southwest coast of Florida. Calusa means “fierce people” The first Spanish Explorers were often attacked by the Calusas. Built their homes on stilts with Palmetto leaf roofs and no walls Fished for most of their food Collected shells for tools, utensils, and jewelry and left huge mounds of them which are still around today.
What happened to the Calusas? Indian tribes from Georgia and South Carolina raided their land, captured some, and sold them into slavery in the 1700s. The Spanish and French killed off many more with the spread of smallpox and measles. It is believed that the remaining Calusas resettled in Cuba.
Spanish Conquistadors The conquistadors were leaders in the Spanish conquest of America, Mexico, and Peru in the 16 th century.
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