Based on the Mindfulness – Based Stress Reduction Workbook by Bob Stahl, Ph.D. & Elisha Goldstein, Ph.D. Transforming Fear Through Loving-Kindness Meditation Session 7 AN INTRODUCTION TO MINDFULNESS
Transforming Fear Through Loving-Kindness Meditation An ancient practice involving cultivating compassion and love for yourself and others “May I be filled with loving- kindness. May I be free from sufffering. May I be well. May I be at peace…..”
An Epidemic: Lack of Self-Compassion Loving-kindness may sound wonderful but definitely not easy for some Many find it difficult to extend compassion to themselves and/or others
Self-Compassion Acknowledge past experiences have brought you to this present moment Past actions may have been driven by lack of awareness and fear
Metta: The Practice of Loving-Kindness Sharon Salzberg
Formal Practice: Loving - Kindness Meditation Bringing the boundless love that exists in the universe into: Your own heart Extend it outward: - to those who are easy to love - to “near and dear ones” - to difficult people - to those experiencing physical/emotional pain or hardship
Formal Practice: Loving-Kindness Meditation A practice that opens the heart to love compassion and empathy “In the beginning we attempt to cultivate Loving-Kindness; later Loving-Kindness cultivates us” – Stephen Levine
Guided Loving-Kindness (Metta) Meditation with Sharon Salzberg
Working With Resistance : What To Do When You Don’t Feel Loving Loving-Kindness meditation can stir up difficult thoughts, emotions and memories, and feelings of resistance “What’s holding me back from opening my heart?”
What To Do When You Don’t Feel Loving Extending loving kindness to difficult people can be challenging How do resentment/grudges affect your own heart, mind and/or body? How does holding a grudge benefit you in any way? How does your body feel when you hold a grudge? How does it affect your thoughts/emotions?
An angry or hateful mind is a suffering mind “ Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned ” - Gautama Buddha
What To Do When You Don’t Feel Loving Rather than judging people/self as bad, think of conflict as “unskillful” when a person is unaware and fearful “ Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends ?” – Abraham Lincoln
Informal Practice: Loving-Kindness Meditation Extend loving-kindness throughout your day Instead of reacting with fear/anger/aggression, choose to extend loving- kindness to that person
PLANNING YOUR PRACTICE Formal Practice Loving-Kindness Meditation Walking Meditation Mindful Yoga Informal Practice Loving-Kindness in Daily LifeRAIN Weaving Mindfulness Throughout Your DaySTOP Mindful Eating8 Attitudes Minding Your Pain