Shane Meadows; This is England.
Contemporary Audience. When we look at the characters of This Is England it is clear what era they are from due to the characters costume and hair and make up, an example of this would be Shaun's Mother in the film, we can tell from her hairstyle and glasses that Meadows wanted to portray to the audience a certain time period for his film, he wanted to show the film as being set in the 1980’s whereas it was actually filmed in This allows the audience now to see the contrast in living from the characters in the film compared to the era in which the characters are watching from.
Social Extension. Shane Meadows also linked to Williams theory, he includes a group of youths aged from around who indulged in somewhat negative working class activities such as consuming alcohol and drug taking, these groups of people are not the type of social group which are shown in the ‘Hollywood’ movies. They lived on working class estates and either were unemployed or had jobs which were underpaid and left them struggling in day to day life.
Political Ideas. Shane meadows portrays political ideas through the characters of This Is England, they are generally working class and we can see this through there attitudes and actions. The political ideas shows the struggle that working class citizens have to go through and example of this would be living in below standard condition housing in a rough area of an estate or unemployment or a jobs which doesn't offer enough pay and makes day today life hard and a struggle. We can tell from the photo below that the housing conditions are drab due to the scrap material used for curtains and the bare walls, we also see no furniture indicating poverty.
Secular Society. Another of Williams' Ideas which is portrayed in Shane Meadows production of This Is England would be that of a secular society. Many of the characters have an upside down cross in-between there eyes and somewhere on there body indicating there anti religious views, we also see a lot of aggression in the films, which the picture below highlights, including racial discrimination which again replicates a society in which religion is not key and rebelled against, the characters also partake in drug and alcohol abuse.