Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s “thriftless ambition” to seize the “golden round” causes them to murder Duncan. This is where Macbeth turns into a “tyrant” and Lady Macbeth becomes mentally unstable due her heart being “solely charged” with guilt, which ultimately leads to their disastrous end. Ambition is needed in order to get what you want: Lady Macbeth: “art not without ambition” (p45) WHY AMBITION IS AT FAULT?
Lady Macbeth is certain that Macbeth “shalt be [w]hat thou art promised” (p45) Lady Macbeth scolds Macbeth: “But screw your courage to the sticking place, [a]nd we’ll not fail” (p49) – this highlights Lady Macbeth’s unshakeable determination to become Queen. Lady Macbeth’s cold nature reveals the full extent of her ambition: “I would, while it was smiling in my face, [h]ave plucked my nipple…[a]nd dashed the brains out” (p49) LADY MACBETH'S AMBITION
“Art thou afeard [t]o be the same in thine own act and valour, [a]s thou art in desire” -this is what Lady Macbeth says to Macbeth which reveals his hidden desire to be king. (p48) Macbeth’s growing ambition can be seen when he says to himself: “[a]s happy prologues to the swelling [a]ct [o]f the imperial theme” (p42) MACBETH’S AMBITION
Wanting to know your fate, gets you ambitious “Speak, I charge you!”- Macbeth says this when the witches reveal their prophecies (p41) Macbeth thinks about murdering Duncan to seize the throne: “why do I yield to that suggestion [w]hose horrid image doth unfix my hair” (p42) MACBETH’S AMBITION CONT’D