Harmonisation Working Group HWG Meeting Thursday, 18 th November, 2010 CER Offices Dublin
18 Nov, 2010Harmonisation Working Group2 HWG Agenda Introduction and Agenda13.00 – 13:05 ES Project Update13.05 – DRs referred to HSG for direction (1013, 1029, 1030 and 1031) – MCRs/DRs requiring/clarification or approval at this meeting (1032, 1037) 13:30 – 13:45 New DRs arising since last meeting (1038, 1040, 1041) – Review of Action Items (incl. MPCC/EMMA convergence update) 13:55 – 14:10 AOB & Closing14:15
18 Nov, 2010Harmonisation Working Group3 ES Project Update Enduring Solution Project Update –Status update –Summary of Project-related workload for today’s meeting
18 Nov, 2010Harmonisation Working Group4 MCRs/DRs referred to HSG on 3 Nov. for direction MCR 1013 V2.0 (Removal of Aggregating to Tariff and Meter Configuration Code Level) DR 1029 V1.0 (Change of Supplier Appointment Booking) DR 1030 V2.0 (Read Single Rate Keypad Meters) DR 1031 V1.0 (Change of COS for Keypad Registration)
18 Nov, 2010Harmonisation Working Group5 MCR1013 V2.0 – Removal of Aggr. to Tariff and MCC Level Change Request –Amends the daily NI Market Participant report to remove aggregating to tariff and MCC level –Report only on loss adjusted consumption units at Supplier Unit Level for each Supplier –Returned from HSG on 3 Nov for re-consideration At today ’ s Meeting –Approval
18 Nov, 2010Harmonisation Working Group6 DR1029 V1.0 - COS Appointment Booking Change Request –Northern Ireland Suppliers will use the appointment web-site to view available appointment slots and then include an Appointment Date and Appointment Time Slot on the appropriate fieldwork or registration request –Affects messages: Registration Request (Change of Supplier) Meter Point Status Change Request Meter Works Request Special Read Request –Returned from HSG on 3 Nov for re-consideration (no new DR version) At today ’ s Meeting –Update from ES Project Team
18 Nov, 2010Harmonisation Working Group7 DR1030 V2.0 – Read Single Rate Keypad Meters Change Request –All keypad meters will be read as part of the read cycle schedule –The routine for estimating consumption has been harmonised with the RoI market. This routine will use reading history to validate all readings (keypad and credit). It will: generate high-low tolerance values against which actual readings will be validated estimate consumption where actual readings cannot be obtained –Returned from HSG on 3 Nov for re-consideration (new DR version) At today ’ s Meeting –Approval to MCR
18 Nov, 2010Harmonisation Working Group8 DR1031 – V1.0 Change to COS Registration for Keypad Change Request – revised COS process - New Supplier sends in MM 010 (CoS) Registration for a Keypad Meter (no physical metering changes are required) - Supplier provides closing reads on NIE system automatically sends CoS update to PRI through an interface (which will include the MPRN and New Configuration details) - PRI automatically performs the CoS on the customer record (it is proposed to remove the Retained Credit process) - Supplier has obligation to inform customer of CoS completion and new Keypad Premise Number (e.g. via automatic /SMS, telephone call) - At the customer's next vend using new Keypad Premise Number, PRI provides the new configuration codes along with the vend code (entering the code on the meter completes the reconfiguration of the meter) - On notification of the vend, NIE estimates the read to complete the CoS -Estimated read sent to Supplier on 310 market message -Returned from HSG on 3 Nov for re-consideration (no new DR version) At today ’ s Meeting –Update from ES Project Team
18 Nov, 2010Harmonisation Working Group9 MCRs for clarification from last HWG meeting MCR 1032 – V2.0 Alignment of Meter Configuration Codes MCR 1037 – V5.0 WP 18 (Token Meters)
18 Nov, 2010Harmonisation Working Group10 MCR1032 – V2.0 Alignment of Meter Configuration Codes Change Request – align current Meter Configuration codes - A review of NIE MC codes will be carried out and where possible MC codes that effectively constitute the same register configuration will become a single MC code. -new field will be added to the 010 market message called “Prepayment Type” -Within the New Connections process MCC will be agreed upfront with the customer (Reference DR 1004). - Within the CoS process a Supplier can request a change to MCC. In this case the MC code will be used to indicate the register configuration required and as per current rules where a change is requested the Read Reason must be MC. -For Fieldwork Requests it is also proposed to introduce the new “Prepayment Type” field on the 030 market message -Clarifications from last HWG Meeting incorporated into DR (new DR version) At today ’ s Meeting –Approval
18 Nov, 2010Harmonisation Working Group11 MCR1037 – WP 18 (Token Meters) V5.0 WP18 (Token Meters) –Re-versioned to reflect outputs from recent Market Workshops on Token Meters / Budget Controllers and supplier comments, feedback and clarifications around last HWG –Action Item 12: RMDS has considered the proposal of breaking out into separate fields the Token Meter parameters proposed for “ Access Instructions ” free text This change would require schema changes and can ’ t be accommodated at this stage. At today ’ s Meeting Approval
18 Nov, 2010Harmonisation Working Group12 New DRs since last HWG meeting DR1038 V1.0 – Supplier Advice of Long-Term Vacant Property DR1040 V1.0 – Addition of TotalUsageFactor data for unmetered sites on 591 message DR1041 V1.0 – Registration Cancellation Timescale
18 Nov, 2010Harmonisation Working Group13 DR1038 V1.0 – Supplier Advice of Long- Term Vacant Property Change Request –Replace NI practice of using “Vacant” in Customer Name field on 013 MM to indicate a long-term vacant site –Introduce a new flag on the 013 MM to positively and clearly indicate that the site is long-term vacant At today ’ s Meeting –Approval to MCR
18 Nov, 2010Harmonisation Working Group14 DR1040 V1.0 – Addition of TotalUsageFactor data for unmetered sites on 591 message Change Request –Expand AdditionalAggregationData on the 591 MM to include TotalUsageFactor for unmetered sites –Introduce a new TimeOfUse value called “UNM” –Expanded detail to be aggregated by Standard Profile as today for existing TimeOfUse values –MRSO/Networks feel that this is an opportune moment to include this change as it will give additional information and assistance to participants and allow for completeness of the 591 message, especially in the light of current plans for introducing MCR 0178 & MCR 1024 to the market in 2011 –Note: current absence of this level of detail has no commercial implications for Suppliers At today ’ s Meeting –Approval to MCR
18 Nov, 2010Harmonisation Working Group15 DR1041 V1.0 – Registration Cancellation Timescale Change Request –Expand the time allowed for an old Supplier to agree to the cancellation of a registration request by the new Supplier –Old Suppliers will now have 105 days within which to respond to the 111A MM advising them of the cancellation by the New Supplier At today ’ s Meeting –Approval to MCR
ESB Networks Harmonisation Technical Design Options
18 Nov, 2010Harmonisation Working Group17 Background Retail Market Messages are currently processed through a combination of See Beyond 5.03 and a See Beyond e*Xchange Component on the MPCC hosted on each supplier’s site. Oracle (now owner of See Beyond) has indicated that Standard Support for See Beyond 5.03 expires on 31/12/2013. Also, See Beyond is not their strategic EAI toolset for the future. Assumptions for Harmonisation:- - A Harmonised Market means (1) Harmonised Market Messages operating in both NI and ROI jurisdictions and (2) a single MPCC (or EMMA as per NI) for each supplier operating in both markets. - NIE Enduring Solution will implement Harmonised Market Message Schema for Northern Ireland Retail Market in May Minimise implementation impact for Suppliers
18 Nov, 2010Harmonisation Working Group18 Technical Alignment Update
18 Nov, 2010Harmonisation Working Group19 Harmonised Technical Design NIE SAP Pi MPCC/ EMMA Tibco Tibco / Other SAP Pi ESB SAP-ISU
18 Nov, 2010Harmonisation Working Group20 Harmonisation Delivery Options - RoI OptionsPreliminary Observations Implement Changes to Schema before NIE Enduring Solution go-live (May 2012) on See Beyond linked to current MPCC’s Additional Implementation Projects for Suppliers Replace See Beyond with SAP Process Integration (PI), Implement Changes to Schema on SAP PI Platform and Implement new MPCC before NIE Enduring Solution Go-Live Challenging Timeframe for ESB N to implement an unfamiliar product. Replace See Beyond with SAP Process Integration (PI), Implement Changes to Schema on SAP PI Platform and Implement new MPCC at the same time as NIE Enduring Solution Go-Live Additional Risk for NIE Enduring Solution Replace See Beyond with SAP Process Integration (PI), Implement Changes to Schema on SAP PI Platform and Implement new MPCC after NIE Enduring Solution Go-Live Further Analysis on Tibco B2B Application Required. All Options Still under Consideration Initial conclusion - Harmonised schema unlikely to be delivered in RoI in 2011
18 Nov, 2010Harmonisation Working Group21 HWG Action Items Summary
18 Nov, 2010Harmonisation Working Group22 Next Steps Next HWG meeting (Belfast) Dates for all meetings for 2011 are on Calendar of Events on RMDS website
18 Nov, 2010Harmonisation Working Group23 HWG Meeting AOB
18 Nov, 2010Harmonisation Working Group24 Thank You HWG Meeting