English Lit: Day 20 1.Monologue plan of action due (upload now, please) 2.Monologues reviewed: First two lines…what are they? Speak these aloud to your.


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Presentation transcript:

English Lit: Day 20 1.Monologue plan of action due (upload now, please) 2.Monologues reviewed: First two lines…what are they? Speak these aloud to your neighbor (x2), open a Word document and write the two lines (x2) 3.Macbeth, Act I, scenes i-iii Please do not type during reading/listening of scenes o Act I, scene I (Listen) Act I, scene 2 (pg ) recap via summary slide o Act I, scene 3 (pg ) recap via summary slide [Track 3; 9:14] 4.Homework: Finish reading Act I for block day Act I, scene iv: p (3:30); Act I, scene v: p (4:46); Act I, scene vi: p (2:23); Act I, scene vii: p (5:09) Complete reading guide for scenes we covered during class Monologue memorization of lines 1-6 English Lit – Periods 1 & 5

Learning Targets Students will apply an understanding of dramatic technique to Shakespeare’s Macbeth.

Monologue Project Monologue: A long uninterrupted speech made by one character in a literary work. Others may be present, or the character may be alone on stage. You will be memorizing a monologue. You will not be graded on your delivery, but your memorization and recitation. Memorize the first six lines for block day. Completed Plan of Action due today (make sure it’s loaded to Moodle) Monologue delivery due: Tuesday, 10/1/12

Act I, scenes ii: pages King Duncan asks how the battle went with Macdonwald and Norway. Macbeth was a war hero, unseaming Macdonwald “from the nave to th’ chops” The battle went back and forth, the captain explains…and then he becomes faint and gets medical help. Lennox and Ross show up, and Ross reports he’s come from Fife, where Norway seemed to have control, assisted by the rebel/traitor the Scottish Thane of Cawdor. But Norway’s king begs for peace. He wants to bury his men, but Scotland wouldn’t let him until he put up ten thousand dollars to the Scots. Through all of this, Macbeth emerges as a hero because he killed Macdonwald who was a traitor and enemy of the Scotish. As a reward, the King will give Macbeth the new title “Thane of Cawdor,” but Macbeth does not yet know that or the fact that the King has ordered the execution of the current Thane of Cawdor. The scene ends with a quick recap of “What he (Thane of Cawdor) has lost, noble Macbeth hath won” in a few rhyming lines.

Act I, scene iii, p The witches reunite and discuss what they’ve been doing since they last met. Basically, they’ve been making trouble for people (killing swine, tormenting the husband of the non-sharing chestnut eater, etc.. They meet with Macbeth and Banquo on a heath, as previously predicted/foreshadowed (after the battle’s been lost and won). After hailing Macbeth, the witches give him three prophecies (p. 323) – Thane of Glamis (already, by father’s death) – Thane of Cawdor (what?) – King hereafter (what!? X 10) Banquo asks for prophecies for him – Lesser than Macbeth, and greater (see these opposites they keep presenting?) – Not so happy, yet much happier (more confusion) – Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none Witches vanish and Macbeth and Banquo quickly reflect on the prophecies. Ross and Angus come, bearing news that the king would like to see Macbeth, and that they were ordered to call him “Thane of Cawdor” (WHAT!??) Look at p. 325…read lines 101-end of scene iii (Angus, Ross, Macbeth, Banquo)

The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act I Act I, scene iv: p (3:30) – King, Malcolm, Macbeth, Banquo Act I, scene v: p ( 4:46 ) – Lady Macbeth, Messenger, Macbeth Act I, scene vi: p (2:23) – King, Banquo, Lady Macbeth Act I, scene vii: p (5:09) – Macbeth, Lady Macbeth Discussion points: – Role of Malcolm and Donalbain – Macbeth’s letter to Lady Macbeth – Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy – Role of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth…types of characters…personalities – Ironies of scene vi – Macbeth’s scene vii soliloquy and “the plan” Finish Act I as HMWK! Read Act II, i-ii for block