Penyimpanan Buah Segar dan Biji Post Harvest Physiology and Storage
Buah segar dan Biji adalah hidup HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Buah dan Biji adalah hidup Pengkonsumsi O2 Substrat Perkembangan CO2 Panas Ethylene Kehilangan H2O melalui epidermis Aktifitas metabolisme Pelunakan jaringan Perubahan Pati ke gula Perbahan Sorbitol ke fruktosa Menurunnya asam organik Meningkatnya senyawa volatil Perubahan warna HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production Obyek penyimpanan Buah dan Biji segar Meminimalkan perubahan Memperpanjang masa hidup buah dan Biji Pemrosesan buah dan Biji Membunuh buah dan Biji Sterilisasi untuk menghindari pembusukan Memperpanjang bahan makanan HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production Jenis buah Klimaterik Apel Pear Apricot Peach Plum Fig Persimmon Non klimateri Blueberries Grapes Cherries Strawberries Sweet oranges Lemon HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production Perbedaan klimaterik dan non klimaterik Climacteric vs. Non-climacteric Respirasi meningkat selama pemasakan Fruit Growth Respiration Climacteric Respiration Non-climacteric Bloom Cell division Cell enlargement Maturation Ripening Senescence HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Types of Fruit Climacteric vs. Non-climacteric Hormon etilen tinggi higher and dan meningkat seiring selama pemasakan Fruit Growth Ethylene Climacteric Ethylene Non-climacteric Bloom Cell division Cell enlargement Maturation Ripening Senescence HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Fruit Respiration in Response to Ethylene Rate dependent response to ethylene Amount of ethylene dictates the ultimate level of response HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Fruit Respiration in Response to Ethylene Non-rate dependent React to a threshold level to give about same response HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production Buah non-klimaterik No increase in respiration Pemasakan lambat Ethylene Sedikit diproduksi Lower internal levels No increase at ripening Applied Ethylene Rate dependent response Buah klimaterik Respirasi meningkat selama pemasakan Pemasakan cepat Ethylene Banyak diprosuksi Higher internal level Level increases at ripening Applied Ethylene Respond to applied ethylene in non-rate dependent fashion HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Storage of Fresh Fruit - Crops Apples 3-10 months 40% stored Pears 2-7 months Grapes 2-3 months Nuts 1-4 years Stone fruit 2-8 weeks Berries 1-2 weeks Strawberry 1-5 days Fig 2-3 weeks HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Methods of Storage Refrigeration Temperature Lowers All enzymatic processes Respiration Reduce microbial growth Sensitivity to ethylene Optimal temperature Above tissue freezing point -2ºC to 0ºC Important to remove field heat quickly HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Methods of Storage Refrigeration Humidity 97% RH = fruit does not lose moisture 95% RH = microbial growth favored 90% RH = poor microbial growth Loss of moisture Less product 5% = shrivelling Fruit is water in an expensive package Prevention 90% RH Wax coatings Shrink wraps HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Methods of Storage Modified Atmosphere Storage How does it work? Temperature Humidity Control of atmospheric gases CO2 O2 Ethylene Examples Burying apples Film wraps Chemical packages to absorb ethylene Not closely controlled HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Methods of Storage Controlled Atmosphere Storage CA storage Control Temperature/humidity Oxygen Carbon dioxide Ethylene For long term storage HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Methods of Storage CA Storage of Apples Oxygen Level Lower to 3% from 21% Reduce respiration Reduce ethylene production If too low Anaerobic metabolism Off flavors Carbon dioxide Level Increase to 5% from 0.03% Reduce respiration Reduce ethylene production Inhibit the breakdown of pectic substances If too high Anaerobic metabolism Off flavors HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Methods of Storage CA Storage of Apples Ethylene Level “One bad apple spoils the whole barrel” Ripe/damaged fruit Release ethylene Induce other fruit to ripen Decrease sensitivity Lower temperatures Increase CO2 Decrease O2 Reduce levels Air ventilation Electric fork lifts Separate ripe from unripe fruit Remove ethylene via potassium permanganate HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Post Harvest Disorders Superficial Scald Most important storage disorder in apples Dark brown, slightly depressed Caused by volatiles from the fruit Control Air circulation Antioxidants in post harvest dip Do not store susceptible varieties HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Post Harvest Disorders Water core Translucent areas in the flesh Can be induced by excessive heat More common in over mature fruit HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Internal Breakdown in Stone Fruit Varieties differ in their susceptibility Minimize by controlling storage temperature HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Post Harvest Disorders Calcium-related Disorders Bitter pit Sunburn Cork spot Cracking HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Post Harvest Disorders Calcium-related Disorders Bitter pit Sunburn Cork spot Cracking HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Post Harvest Disorders Calcium-related Disorders Bitter pit Sunburn Cork spot Cracking HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Post Harvest Disorders Calcium-related Disorders Bitter pit Sunburn Cork spot Cracking HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Post Harvest Disorders Calcium-related Disorders Not mobile in plant Moves slowly in soil Compete with Mg and K for uptake Worse under high temperature conditions Control: Calcium applications to the fruit Role of calcium Functions in plant Regulate cell division Regulate nitrogen metabolism Important component of cell wall HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Post Harvest Disorders Calcium-related Disorders Sunburn Direct sun exposure Fruit tissue loses water Cell collapses Tissue under skin collapses Bitter pit Impairment of selective permeability of cell membranes Cell injury and necrosis Browning begins internally Develops external blemishes HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production
Post Harvest Disorders Calcium-related Disorders Cork spot After cell division cortical cells form additional cell walls within original cell Tissue hardens, ruptures, and browns Deep cracking Cell walls become thick and lose elasticity Fruit crack after rain or irrigation HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production