AMBFTK: problems to solve Power distribution: Crates – compatibility with CDF crates? Thermal dissipation: Cooling Signals I/O: high input/output traffic and frequency (connectors) 01/06/20102Marco Piendibene
Power (1) For the actual AMchip is estimated (but we need a better measure) a power consumption of 1,8W (1 1,8V) For the new AMchip (under design) a similar power is estimated In the first version of the AMBFTK we are going to use the actual AMchip Actual AMchip: 1 1,8 V LAMB (Local Associative Memory Board) 32 AMchip AMBFTK: 4 LAMBS => 128 AMchip => 128 1,8 V ! new AMchip: 230 1V !!! 3Marco Piendibene01/06/2010
Power (2) 128 1,8V only for the AMchips ! We think that the real consumption is less (100 A ?) We are going to make some measure soon 01/06/20104Marco Piendibene First version of AMBFTK (with actual AMchips):
Power (3) Up to now, we found that the better solution ( in terms of efficiency and physical space on the AMBFTK board for the DC-DC converter) is to obtain the current we need starting from 12 V 01/06/2010Marco Piendibene5 Problem: how we can obtain the current we need? V is the power that we have estimated we need for the entire AMBFTK board (AMchips plus other logic)
Power (4) Example of the DC-DC converter to obtatin 1,8V (AMchip core voltage) starting from 12V 01/06/2010Marco Piendibene6 DC-DC converter 12V 1,8V -Delivers up to 30A of output current -High efficiency: 3.3V full load (V IN=12Vdc) -Input voltage range from 6 to 14Vdc -Output voltage programmable from 0.8 to 3.63Vdc - Small size and low profile: 33.0 mm x mm x mm (1.30 in. x 0.53 in. x 0.39 in.) We need 4 of this DC-DC coverter to obtain the current we need for the AMchip (100 A or more)
Power (5) It is not simple to find the right placement on the board for these DC-DC converters 2 options: – Using a custom AMBFTK layout (is it possible? problems?) – Using a standard AMBFTK layout maybe with compact connector to make space. But we are not sure we have the space we need for all the components. 01/06/2010Marco Piendibene7
01/06/2010Marco Piendibene8 P1 P3 P1 P3 = DC-DC converter lamb Option 1 Option 2 Is it possible? Problems? Enough space for DC-DC converter = other components Very difficult to find space for DC-DC converter Backplane side Front panel
Dc-dc 1,8V Dc-dc 1,8 V serdesFifos (spartan6) Backplane sideFront side Little “balcony” Lamb power connector Lamb signal connector 01/06/20109Marco Piendibene Option 1: custom layout – IS IT POSSIBLE? other dc-dc (1,2V)
Option 1: example of current distribution on a board plane 12V 1,8V 12V dc-dc 12V Lamb power connector Little “balcony”
Dc-dc 1,8V serdesFifos (spartan6) Backplane sideFront side Lamb power connector Lamb signal connector 01/06/201011Marco Piendibene Option 2: standard layout Dc-dc 1,8V other dc-dc (1,2V) “short” P3 Do we have space for this configuration?
dc-dc 01/06/2010Marco Piendibene12 Option 2: example of current distribution on a board plane 1,8V 12V 1,8V Too far from the source? Too high current? Actual AMchip: 128 A (100 A) New AMchip: 230 A ? dc-dc
Power (6) Problem: how to bring V to each AMboard? We don’t want to use the J0 connector because we need that space (see slide 9 and 11). 01/06/2010Marco Piendibene13 OPTIONS: 1 - Bring power direct to the AMBFTK (see slide 14) 2 - Bring power through the AuxBoard (see slide 15) 3 - Bring power through backplane (standard J1 – J2 connector) (see slide 16)
01/06/2010Marco Piendibene14 Option 1 - Bring power direct to the AMBFTK AMBFTKAUX card Power connector 12V cable P3 P2 P1 Mechanical problems?Unfriendly to plug/unplug ? Front panel
01/06/2010Marco Piendibene15 Option 2 - Bring power through the AuxBoard 12V cable AMBFTKAUX card P3 P2 P1 No problem to plug/unplug the cable This option is possible because we have a lot of pin available on P2 connector (see P2 connector on slide 19) Power connector Front panel
01/06/2010Marco Piendibene16 Option 3 - Bring power through the CDF backplane Questions… Looking at the next slide, we see that just 3.3 V + V1,V2, +12V, -12V can deliver 350 Amps (for all the slots) Could be enough (and is it possible?) to power all the slots in this way? Could be enough to bring 25 A to each AMboard and AUX board without needing cables? Can everything be generated, including 3,3 V, starting from 12 Volts, to reduce the Ampere we need to transfer? Do we need a mix of these strategies (cable + J1 – J2)? Can we understand which is the probability we get 5 crates from CDF for start of FTK run in 2013? Could we use all the power lines available in CDF in J1 and J2 (see next slides)?
01/06/2010Marco Piendibene17
01/06/2010Marco Piendibene18
01/06/2010Marco Piendibene19 P2 pin assignment in CDF crates
Thermal dissipation: cooling Each board will need to be cooled to bring away 300 W. The 300 W are distributed on 128 chips so the exchange air-chip surface should be enough, even if the air is not cooled. We want to start with AMboards that do not occupy all the slots. We can do this at the beginning (2013). Tall connectors between the motherboard and the LAMBS will increase the distance between them. We will study in the future the possibility to put the AMboards in all the slots. We can use metals touching the chips as shown in the figure on the right to increase the exchange of heat between air and chips. We will need thin packages for the AMchips. Now they are not thin (3 mm) but we can use 1 mm thick packages. WE HAVE TO STUDY THE PROBLEM CAREFULLY
I/O: P3 + LVDS 2 Options: 1.Thinner but taller. Good if we can put 2 DC – DC connectors in front of the board. 5 columns connectors, 50 rows – 2x25 rows connectors. 2.Larger but shorter. if we are not allowed to use DC-DC conv. In front of the board we gain space with this connector. 25 rows + 11 rows.
SCT0 (14b) - SCT1 (14b) Pix0(14b) + Pix0d(14b) Road-Lamb3-1 (21b+7b) Road-Lamb2-2 (21b+7b) Road-Lamb2-1 (21b+7b) 3ctrl x 4 = 12 3ctrl x Hold-Hits=20 Road-Lamb1-1 (21b+7b) Road-Lamb0-2 (21b+7b) Road-Lamb0-1 (21b+7b) SCT2 (14b) - SCT3 (14b) Pix1(14b) + Pix2(14b) Option 2 Type E - 25 rows + Type F rows 2mm Hard Metric - 8 columns PCB Mount Connectors (Z-PACK 2mm HM) FOR THIS OPTION THE LVDS SER/DESER NEED A SMALLER PACKAGE! SN65LVDS93A 8.1mm × 14mm TSSOP 1.2 thick 2ctrl x 8 + 1b x 4 buses (2 Pix+2ExtSCT) + 8 Hold roads rows XC6SLX16 CPG196 8x8 mm2 1,2 thick
Lamb AMBFTK P1 P2 P3 2,2cm 3,9cm 3,3cm (with actual long P3) 3,5cm 5,5cm (no amchip) 0,8 cm Space between pcb lamb and pcb motherboard 2,2cm