1 M. Paganoni, 17/1/08 Modello di calcolo di CMS M. Paganoni Workshop Storage T2 - 17/01/08.


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Presentation transcript:

1 M. Paganoni, 17/1/08 Modello di calcolo di CMS M. Paganoni Workshop Storage T2 - 17/01/08

2 M. Paganoni, 17/1/08

3 Testing system at scale

4 M. Paganoni, 17/1/08 Terminated jobs / 6 days Currently: >20k jobs/day  Massive MC production  Constant, significant presence of analysis jobs complemented by JobRobot tests  Middleware tests, CRAB Analysis Server tests, … Significant, constant user analysis CSA06 job submission (dominated by Job Robot) Massive MC production for CSA07    More JobRobot… mw testing   Data processing: 1 year

5 M. Paganoni, 17/1/08 Event Size Current event size requirements estimated from measurements of CSA07 samples: RAWsim ~ 2.0 MB RAW ~ 1.5 MB RECO ~ 0.5 MB AOD ~ 0.2 MB Scope for reducing size: Remove duplication / optimize resources Handling RAW and RECO in 2 files (no FEVT) Mini-workshop with Physics and DPG Groups on January 28/29 at CERN to discuss and prepare implementation plan (RECO and AOD) Implementation during February 2008 in time to be included in CMSSW_2_0 release /CSA07BJet/CMSSW_1_6_4-CSA07-Tier0-A2-Chowder/RECO

6 M. Paganoni, 17/1/08 Processing time Current event size requirements estimated from measurements of CSA07 samples: SIM ~ 180 kSI2K*s (2 volte quanto previsto) RECO ~ kSI2K*s AOD ~ 0.25 kSI2K*s Results of task force are being implemented in CMSSW_2_0 release (Feb. 08)

7 M. Paganoni, 17/1/08 Loadtest07 (2.5TB/week in upload and 12 TB/week in download) Roma->* * ->Roma LNL->* * ->LNL

8 M. Paganoni, 17/1/08 Pisa->* Bari->* * ->Bari * ->Pisa

9 M. Paganoni, 17/1/08 MC Prod (50 M/month) 50 % at OSG 75 % from T2

10 M. Paganoni, 17/1/08

11 M. Paganoni, 17/1/08 Risorse usate da LCG3

12 M. Paganoni, 17/1/08 Commissioning Detector (2007) TK: dati processati alla TIF nel 2007 (25 % Tracciatore acquisiti in 2 mesi) = 20 TB Muoni: dati acquisiti nell’ultimo Global Run (2 settimane) = 2 TB ECAL: 1.acquisizione dati in modalità locale ECAL con trigger cosmico 2.acquisizione dati in modalità locale ECAL con trigger di piedistallo, test- pulse o laser. Evento ECAL non zero-suppressed = 1.8 MB Rate trigger locale ECAL = 5 Hz 500 GB/day per run locale ECAL

13 M. Paganoni, 17/1/08 Produzione MC 2008 INFN produce 15% di CMS 10 9 ev/anno in totale 15 giorni di buffer per sRAW+RECO Tutti gli AOD in 2 copie 380 TB 1500 kSI2K

14 M. Paganoni, 17/1/08 Global Run Hz x 10 7 s * 75% = 1.5 x 10 8 ev 25 kSI2k s/ev 5 reprocessing Assumendo di portare il 5% dei RAW nei T2 INFN per studi di calibrazione/allineamento e commissioning: 110 TB 200 kSI2K

15 M. Paganoni, 17/1/08 Possible Analysis Workflows RECO AOD RAW First pass at Tier0/CAF Central analysis skims at Tier1 AOD RECO, AOD shipped at Tier1 Analysis algos Analysis Data AOD + Analysis skim output shipped at Tier2 Analysis Data AOD + Further selection, Reduced output Further selection, Reduced output Analysis Data Fewer AOD coll. fast processing and FWLite at Tier3 Final analysis pre-selection at Tier2 Final samples shipped at Tier3

16 M. Paganoni, 17/1/08 Modello di analisi 10 gruppi di analisi/T eventi per analisi su 3x10 8 : AOD (2 copie) e 5% RAW+RECO 5 volte su dati e 5 su simulazione 0.25 kSI2K s/ev 160 TB 100 kSI2K

17 M. Paganoni, 17/1/08 Operazioni tape in/out al T0

18 M. Paganoni, 17/1/08 importanza di: buffer I/O file di size grande per CASTOR

19 M. Paganoni, 17/1/08 Tier2 CMS-INFN disco 2007 CPU 2007 (TBN)(KSI2k) Bari38284 LNL72420 Pisa Roma62222 TOT PLEDGED 2008

20 M. Paganoni, 17/1/08 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Tracker Insertion MC Production for Startup S/w Release 2_0 (CCR_4T, Production startup MC samples) 1) Detector Installation, Commissioning & Operation 2) Preparation of Software, Computing & Physics Analysis Beam-pipe Closed and Baked- out CMS Cosmic Run CCR_0T Several short periods Dec-Mar) Cosmic Run CCR_4T 1 EE endcap Installed, Pixels installed 2007 Physics Analyses First Results Out CSA07 Test Magnet at low current S/w Release 1_7 ( CCR_0T, HLT Validation) S/w Release 1_6 ( CSA07) S/w Release 1_8 ( Lessons of ‘07) CSA08 (CCRC) Combined Computing Readiness Challenge Master Contingency 2nd ECAL Endcap Ready for Installation end Jun’08 V36 Schedule (Nov’07) Functional Tests CSA08 (CCRC) Last Heavy Element Lowered Cooldown of Magnet: Test